2 male cats-one keeps mounting the other one

Danielle L.
on 1/10/05 5:43 pm - Lowell, MA
I have a 5 month old cat, who Ive had since 3 weeks old. We are extremely close. I then got him a buddy who is 8 months old. They are both neutered and both get the same attention. I find the older cat mounting the younger one alot, and the younger one is screeching. Honestly, the younger cat is the dominate one. I called the vet, and got laughed at when I asked if he would continue with it, if I wasnt home to stop it. They say its just a form of dominance, but at this point the poor cat cant even eat without the other cat mounting him. I dont know what to do. Other than that they love each other, they play fight, chase each other all day, sleep together, clean each others faces. This is the only problem, or is it a problem. Ive had animals my whole life and never encountered this problem. The kitten was fixed before entering sexual puberty, so I dont think he understands. If anyone has any suggestions please help. The older cat knows I dont like it, because I clap my hands and say loudly stop it. So he knows I dont want him doing it. Other than that theyre both wonderful cats.
on 1/13/05 7:43 am - Fishers, IN
I work for a vet and it is definately a sign of dominance. Sometimes you can try and spray them with A water bottle when he does it. Sometimes, they just end up growing out of it. IT's very common... he's just trying to let the other one know that HE is in control of the house. You might want to give him a little special attention.. that might help make him feel special and not threatened. Hope this helps. Heather
Danielle L.
on 1/13/05 8:53 am - Lowell, MA
Heather, Thank you for your response. I knew it was a dominance issue, but it seemed to be getting out of hand. Someone else emailed me and told me about lemon juice. Just put a little bit on the back of the kittens neck, and the other cat wont like it. I asked my vet, and she was surprised by it and said it sounded like a good idea and neither cats would get ill from it. I guess cats dont like citrus and she told me to let her know how it worked. As far as attention, I do try to give both the same amount, although its hard because the younger one knows and trusts me alot more and follows me everywhere. I believe the other one was abused by his prior owners. He is finally starting to come out of his shell with me. Athough he is very close with the other cat, he is finally starting to trust me. He even comes to me for affection now, which I love. I have already used the water bottle idea and it seems the incidents have lessened. If it continues though I will try the lemon juice. I want to thank you for your help, its appreciated. Take care, Danielle
(deactivated member)
on 11/24/13 12:07 pm

I'm having the same problem. I was wondering did the lemon juice work?

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