Appointments TODAY!

on 5/9/22 8:10 am

Initial appointments today!

Meeting with my Bariatric surgeon at 10:30 am, appointments with the dietician and exercise specialist after!!!!

I'm so anxious, excited, nervous.

Ready to do this, been waiting a long time.

The health issues have piled on as of late and my weight keeps climbing.

Starting weight today of 284.2 pounds, height 5'1" and BMI 53.7.

on 5/9/22 8:28 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15

Best of luck to you.

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


Erin S.
on 5/17/22 6:48 am

Trust the process! it works!

on 10/27/23 7:34 am
Revision on 02/09/22

I hope that you have the good treatment. Try your best! I also try to gain weight. I wish I have the normal BMI

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