Personal Trainer Related ?'s

on 11/7/11 8:34 am - CA
I use a Personal trainer once a week and pay $60 for that session.... (I am in Southern California).

I already work out several times a week in addition to that "once" with the trainer...

BUT, I am trying to cut some hours at the office and giving this up would be any easy way to help manage the difference...

Has anyone done that.... worked with a trainer for a long time (in my case, it will be a year on January 1), and then stopped, and did it all on your own?

Did it backfire or were you able to keep the results you had achieved?


Mary SW 273  CW 158  GW 160


on 11/7/11 5:42 pm - CA
Before surgery I had a trainer for a couple of years. After awhile with her I wasn't losing any weight, although I was maintaining my weight. A friend asked me why I was still using her if I wasn't losing any more. I thought maybe my friend was right and quit using her. Slowly but surely the weight came back on and I realized I stayed on track better when I had someone checking in on me and pushing me weekly to do things I normally wouldn't do on my own. Of course this is my personal experieince. I even thought of getting a trainer again although I can't really afford it. Mine was $100/hr. and that was finacially killing me.  It's a hard decision to make. Maybe consider using the trainer every 2 weeks and see how that goes. Good luck!

      Leslie Nunes              
on 11/7/11 11:20 pm - Lake Zurich, IL
My case might be a bit different as my trainer (and yes, she is certified) is my daughter. She set up my program, and gave me parameters for when to change things up. Other than that, she mainly just checks every so often to be certain I'm still going with the program.

Maybe you could do a compromise - cut back to once every 2 or 3 weeks just for follow-through, but stop the once a week.
Circumferential LBL, anchor TT, BL/BR, brachioplasty 12-16-10 Drs. Howard and Gutowski

Thigh lift 3-24-11, Drs. Howard and Gutowski again!
Height 5' 5".  Start point 254.  DH's goal: 154.  My guess: 144.  Insurance goal: 134.  Currently bouncing around 130-135.
Margo N.
on 11/8/11 5:55 am
I found a trainer who does semi-private sessions - i.e. works with 4 or so of us at a time. It has been effective, and costs me about $25.00 for a one hour session, twice a week.
Margo - Burnaby, British Columbia HW 283 / SW 269 / GW 160 (I'm 5'8")
Check out my blog at

Kayla B.
on 11/8/11 6:15 am - Austin, TX
I worked out 2x/week with a trainer for I think about a year.  Then kinda sporatically the year after that...maybe 6 weeks on, 12 weeks off...stuff like that.

I do it myself now, but I never do get as good of a work out as I did with my trainer.  I just don't push myself as much and I definitely don't make myself do the stuff I hate.

But I can't say I regret my decision to quit.  It is a hell of a lot of money to train that often.
5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne  
Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 11/13/11 12:18 pm, edited 11/13/11 12:22 am
Note: this was a pre-op trainer experience:

I hired trainers and while I didn't loose any weight (metabolic issues) I had my body composition tested regularly and I was able to maintain sizable muscle and strength gain (in other words I was totally RIPPED under all that fat- lol!) for many years with one appointment a month. I found trainers worth while to keep my form in check and to suggest alternative exercises in case one got boring, was no longer challenging or was causing physical discomfort.

The only time I lost muscle mass after that was post-op, from the obvious protein defecit over the first few months until I was able to get 100g in every day.
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