To all single ladies..........

on 7/14/11 6:10 am - New Bedford, MA
I have seen a number of you saying you are single and looking.

I just want to say, don't settle for just anyone. You have done all this work and are finaly starting to feel good about yourselves.

When we are fat, we usualy are happy if a nice looking gentleman simply smiles at us, nevermind give us the time of day, and settle for what we can get. 

You have come this far and deserve to finaly be happy. So, don't sell yourself short. 

Be selective in who you want instead of settling what you can get.
You've earned it! 

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

Cindy T.
on 7/14/11 7:07 am - Newaygo, MI
 This was posted on the singles forum yesterday.  I love it!!

♥ ~ If you're not being treated with the love and respect that you deserve then you need to check your price tag. Perhaps you have marked yourself down. It's you who tells people what you're worth by what you accept. Get off the clearance rack and get behind the glass where they keep all the valuables. Bottom line, value yourself more. Re-post if you like. You may help someone get off the clearance rack! ~ ♥

Singles forum?  YUP!   Here it is...join us!
Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!  

on 7/18/11 5:49 am - New Bedford, MA
I like your clearance rack theory!  I have a fiancee and we've been together fpr 11-1/2  years. He's a nice guy and treats me nice, but he has a serious spending problem. Not with gambling, or anything like that. He just likes to spend his money first and worry about the bills later. Then when we don't have money to pay the bills, and getting shut-off notices, he's quickly looking and asking for someone to help because "we can't afford it." Sure, money is tight everywhere, but he's gotta learn to pay the bills FIRST. 

Thanks for the invite to the singles forum. I've put allot of backache and sweat into this relationship, but I will keep that forum in mind!  

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

Cindy T.
on 7/18/11 6:03 am - Newaygo, MI
Oh my goodness....spending issues are a HUGE red flag for me.  Both of my husbands were totally financially irresponsible.  Same type behavior as your guy...spend, spend, spend (wrecklessly) and then no money to pay the bills.  In the last 1.5 years that I have been on my own, I have been digging myself out of the financial pit, and it feels so great to NOT receive those shut-off notices and such.  I have said time and time again that I don't necessarily want to be with a wealthy man, but he damn well better be financially responsible.....or I'm simply not going there. 

Can I just ask about your  "backache and sweat" that you've put "into your relashionship"?  Are you getting out of it what you really want?  After 11.5 years together, and you are not [technically] married to him, so is marriage your goal?  Or does the Longterm (assuming exclusive) but NOT married thing working for you?  Forgive me for being nosey....but I'm just curious about it. 
Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!  

on 7/18/11 6:29 am - New Bedford, MA
We've had our "ups" and "downs".  I have never been married. He really is a great guy. He doesn't abuse me, not addicted to drugs or alcohol. The major issue is his spending problem. I'm trying to teach him to pay the bills first. It works for a few months, but then he goes back to his old crazy spending ways. I like this long term relationship, and he wants to marry me. (I am wearing an engagement ring.Unfortunately, it is another one of his "bills" because he stopped making payments on it to the jewelry store.) 

I'm the one who doesn't want to marry him, and it is all because of his spending problem. I don't think you are being nosey or anything. Just one sister concerned for another. Thank you. 

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

on 7/14/11 11:44 am - Rome, GA
This is SO true!!!! I think maybe that is why its so hard to find someone whom we are not onlly compatible with, but who will treat us like the queen we so deserve.  I will NOT tolerate being used, abused, and I know what I want this time around.  I will not settle for less than what I deserve.  Amen sistah!


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Amy Smith
on 7/14/11 1:14 pm
Double triple quadruple like!!
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