Doomed 2 B fat 4 life!

on 6/2/11 9:34 am - New Bedford, MA

First, I am put on amitryptaline for my headaches and gained about 75 lbs. Then I noticed my arms seemed to be swelling. I found out it is lymphedema. I already have lymphedema in my legs and can't wear shorts or capri pants without looking like a short, fat hippo! Now my arms are swelling too! My specialist thinks I may be getting lymphedema in my abdomen too! So much for my panni surgery! She wants me to wear bandage wraps from my feet up to my personal area, and bandages on my hands up to my shoulders, and an ab-support thing for my abdomen. I cannot afford the compression garments that one would wear for lymphedema (my insurance doesn't cover it either!) So, I am supposed to either walk around like a fat mummy, or continue to swell and look like the marshmallow man from Ghost Busters!

Why is life so cruel!?!?!?!?

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

Bette B.
on 6/2/11 10:20 am
 I have no words of wisdom for you, but I CAN offer you a virtual hug . . .


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Amy R.
on 6/2/11 10:29 am
Miss Kitty I am so sorry you have to deal with all of this. I've been tentatively diagnosed with lymphedema, but only in my right foot and it comes and goes. They want me to wear a compression stocking, but thats not happening, at least during the summer.

I know how uncomfortable I get just having that problem in my one foot. I can't even begin to imagine what you are dealing with. Wish I could help, but I too don't have any answers and can only offer an internet hug. Hope you feel better soon!

(((((Miss Kitty)))))

PS. Did I read your profile correctly and you've lost 120lbs without ANY surgery? That's awesome!!!
on 6/2/11 11:28 am
So sorry you're dealing with so many health issues. Maybe you can check with a local hospital, pharmaceutical company or even a lymphedema association to see if they can help with the cost of the compression garment. Some places do that for those that can't afford it. I hope you feel better.
on 6/6/11 2:41 am
Hi MIss Kitty - So sorry for your troubles .. Lymphedema is not a whole lot of fun and games to deal with - it's alot of work!! I have it in both of my lower legs and my lymphedema therapist seems to think it's also in my upper thighs but not as bad.
I had to wear compression garments on my lower legs that had to be measured for my legs (custom) & $$$ - my insurance did not pay for them either.  So I only have 1 pair! I wash them and use them faithfully and they do work.
If you check I don't have her site but Saralicious who comes on here often has also had alot of experience with lymphedema and may be able to offer some suggestions.
  I had to learn how to wrap with ace bandage llike garments first before I got my own compression ones.  It's not easy but it can be done and it does help.   You may think you look bad but believe me it does help and also helps with weight loss believe it or not! I lost 6 lbs in one day (mostly fluids, I know, but still....
Just try and stay positive.. YOu have a condition much like diabetes or ms or whatever.  So you deal with it and live your life as best and as comfortably as you can.  Don't worry about what you look like - you probably stress over it much more than others.
 Yes, life is cruel.. but on the other hand you are alive and relatively healthy... Try to count as many blessings as you can, OK?  Take care and look up Saralicious... she has alot of knowledge on this subject.  Take care & good luck to you.   Mary
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