Trying to prepare-advice please

on 5/15/11 9:51 am - Telford, PA
I found out a few days ago that I will be having DS surgery on August 15th.  I saw the nutritionist and was given tons of information.  I spent time this weekend searching for recipes, snack ideas, etc. I am focused on the high protein component.

I know I will have to take protein supplements and they gave me a list of examples such as Bariatric Advantage, Allmax, Pro-Score, EAS 100% Whey protein, Chike and many more.  Does any one have recommendations on a favorite? I was just going to take the top five that have the most grams of protein and research the prices--then chose one.  However, I thought I would ask for some advice first.

Elizabeth N.
on 5/15/11 10:39 am - Burlington County, NJ
You'll get more responses on the DS board. Also, have you connected with the PADS (Philadelphia Area DSers) group yet? They have an online presence as well as the 3d meetings.

Personally, I couldn't stomach ANY of the powders early out, and there were several that tasted just fine to me preop. Personally, the one I now use, when I must, is GNC Amplified Wheybolic Extreme. It's all whey isolate, it's easily available, dissolves in just a few oz. of water and stays nice and thin, and the vanilla is very mild. One scoop is 20 grams of protein. Don't be fooled by the 60 grams per serving claim. A "serving" is three scoops.

Also, Designer Whey has come out with a clear protein beverage that's all whey (no collagen) and is reasonably palatable. It's a ready to drink version. Isopure has one as well, but I find the Designer Whey more drinkable. Isopure also has a RTD smoothie that I find tolerable.

But be aware everyone's taste buds are different, and they change after surgery. So don't commit to any big tubs of stuff yet!

on 5/15/11 11:27 am
As EN said, your tastes will likely change after surgery. I've never found any protein shake I like---but I've never had any trouble eating all the protein I need---one of the many wonderful things about the DS. (*grin*)
on 5/15/11 11:34 am - AL
Please come join us on the DS forum.

Your taste WILL change after surgery.  What tastes great to you now you may never want to eat/drink again!!  I do not know why this is true but it is almost universally so.

VitaLady sells tons of samples and that is what I recommend that you get so you can try a lot of differet types of proten shakes post-op.  That may save you a ton of $ on shakes that you can't drink.

I look forward to seeing you over on the DS forum!


Jolly Rancher
on 5/15/11 11:37 am
Be sure to get on vitalady's vite plan as well as protein supplements. The advice you will be given from your surgeon's office will be woefully lacking.

Jackie McGee
on 5/15/11 11:46 am - PA
BSN Lean Desserts!! And you can find that cheap w/tons of different flavors on

 Proud mama of Mischa and Gabriel, both born post-op.

Mary Catherine
on 5/15/11 6:41 pm
BSN Lean Dessert and BSN Snytha-6 are the two I found easiest to live with.  Protein powder has an unpleasant smell and taste.  Flavorings are added to disguise that taste and smell.  

Unflavored protein is the easist to add to other foods if you want something that is not sweet. 

Before surgery I never drank milk unless it was in the form of a chocolate or vanilla milkshake.  That taste did not change after surgery, but I did drink a lot of chocolate and vanilla protein shakes.

When you order samples from Vitalady, be sure to include BSN samples.

I also think that it is not a really good idea to be supplementing with protein shakes before surgery.  They take the place of food after surgery, because it is too difficult to eat enough protein from foods.   Prior to surgery, you are still able to eat and do not need to be adding a lot of extra calories.  After surgery, I found a small shake to be a very filling meal.  Before surgery, it would have been just a between meal snack.  
on 5/16/11 5:53 am - Germantown, MD
Try out different kinds before the surgery so you know which protein drinks you like.  It is very personal.  I'm in the liquid diet stage right now and have co-workers doing it with me (they're the best support!).  Drinks that are my favorite, they don't like, and vice versa.  I prefer anything chocolate and pre-mixed to powder.  I went to a Vitamin Shoppe and a GNC near me and bought one of everything that looked interesting.  Pure Protein is my favorite and I have since discovered they also sell it at Target.  My favorite powder is from  It is the Inspire chocolate, peanut butter fudge.  That site also has ready to drink Believe protein that is about as close to a fancy coffee drink as we can get.  They aren't something to do everyday but a nice treat.  Best of luck in finding what works for you.
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 5/16/11 6:01 am
 I only like vanilla before surgery - now I like the chocolate ones. I don't usually bother with protein drinks since it's easy to just eat that much now that I'm further out and can hold a small meal. 

Many like Champions banana scream, but I haven't tried it. I do like their chocolate. I keep the EAS and muscle milk brands in both powder, and ready to drink around, because they are pretty reasonable at Costco, and once in a while I just don't want to cook anything, or go anywhere, and I want to at least make sure I got my protein for the day. 

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