gallbladder attack?Help!!!

on 4/25/11 12:14 pm - California City, CA
I haven't been on here in ages but I have a question. I think I am having a gallbladder attack.Can anyone tell me how they felt during their attack and how long it lasted?
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

on 4/25/11 12:20 pm - IL
pains on the right side of my stomach, it felt terrible if I push in on that area. The pains never went away. I went to emergency room and had surgery the next day to remove it.

good luck to you
on 4/25/11 12:28 pm, edited 4/25/11 12:28 pm - California City, CA
Thanks for the quick reply. My husband is getting ready to take me in. Mine also radiates around to my upper back. The pain in horrible!
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

on 4/25/11 12:37 pm - Oak Ridge, TN
Up until I had my gallbladder removed a couple of years ago, I would have them once every 3 mths or so. The pain would be right in the center of my stomach just below my breastbone. It would radiate over to my back, and sometimes up into my throat. It was excruciating and I would end up taking hydrocodone to get the pain to go away. It was the only thing that helped. Having it removed was the best choice ever!

 ~Kelly ~   
SW 364/CW 164/GW 150             


on 4/25/11 11:36 pm - MD
Excrutiating pain under my right bottom rib, up my back into my shoulder blade on the right. Came and went like labor pains. I actually had to lamaze breath to get through them. I had a test done where they inject something in your arm and they video your gall bladder filling and emptying. Mine was only functioning at 10%. I had it removed in same day surgery. Was back at work in 3 days. Piece of cake.
I had some risidual pain for about 4 months after, but now all pain is goin. No food restrictions because of it either. I can eat what I ate before the gall bladder surgery. Everyone is different though.
Good luck and don't wait too long. It's BAD BAD pain and you don't need to wind up in the ER or you may not be able to have it done lapriscopically.

First consult 306, pre-op visit 278, surgery date 272, current 198

on 4/26/11 4:23 am - NJ
mine felt like a vice grip was pushing at the top of my ribs (just below the boobs in the middle) into my back. my attacks would last for hours .... at least six or seven. it took me a year to get the guts up to have the surgery. on a positive note, i lost a lot of weight as my gall bladder went from bad to almost dead. go get it checked out. if you can have it out earlier rather than later do it. good luck.
on 4/27/11 7:14 pm - Ontario, CA
Before I had my gallbladder removed I would feel a dull pain on the fight just under my ribs.  A few minutes after eating the dull ache would become a sharp paing that felt like someone was shoving a spear through me.  The doctor sent me for an ultrasound--even I could see on it that a had a gallstone almost the size of a golf ball!

If you do have a gallstone, they will remove your gall bladder & not just the stone(s) because once you have them the likelihood of them forming again is big.
Amber L.
on 4/27/11 8:51 pm - Sweden
Just get it out. Don't look into medicines or treatments, just let them yank it. You will be sore for a week or two, but you will feel great after that!
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

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