Appeal denied

Amanda P.
on 5/15/03 6:15 pm - Wa
Not a good day for me to say the least. I thought I Had prepared well enough just in case I recieved another denial, but as soon as I opened it and saw that "D" word I cried. Im trying not to lose it but its not easy. Im depressed, sad, and just pissed. The anger will keep me in there fighting though and thats just what Im going to do. Im not going to let them win at this, I more than qualify for this surgery so.........the fight goes on and so does the waiting. Warnest wishes to all, take care = )
Annette W.
on 5/16/03 8:26 am - Federal Way, wa
I requested my last resort which is the independant review where they check your case out , they are not associated with your insurance company nor connected to you somehow, they are their own "entity" they will decide upon what is your case. You have to find stuff to "convince them" that you can overturn the decision of your appeals in why you got denied. Insurance companies are money making, and they drag it as long as you can and see if you give up. So don't give up. Fight for your life. Fight, fight , fight. I was told even if you used up your last resort, if you get any further change in your health you can get approved. so you gotta get sick or get somesort of a problem before they consider you for surgery(I think that is wrong) I been fighting for a year now cause of the run arounds that my insurance has been doing to me. Im with Group health options and I am 5"7 278lls. I have severe asthma , but no comorbidity. But I am fighting cause of my asthma. Good luck to you
Maureen R.
on 5/16/03 12:38 pm
Amanda, So sorry to hear about your denial......It is the last thing needed after going thorough everything and making up our minds to have the surgery.I am glad that you are a fighter....always fight for what you want and keep the faith it will happen for you. Just sorry that you have the wait ahead. hugs and God Bless Maureen
on 5/17/03 8:56 am - seattle, WA
I'm sorry to hear that Amanda. I think there is a website I have read others talking about they used it when they were denied and that helped to get them approved. I feel like it is discrimination on the part of the insurance company to deny you your right to medical treatment. And financially they look like idiots because in the long run they will have to pay for alot of other medical problems associated with weight issues. UGHH it's so frustrating the rat race they put people through. Well stay positive and keep us all posted as you go along!
Carolyn C.
on 5/23/03 10:06 am
My heart is aching for you. I can imagine how hard it is to be so sure that this is the right path and then you are stopped. You sound like a fighter. So for all of us that are waiting to send a letter, keep going showing us all that if it is worth fighting for you will get it. I personally cannot even have a letter sent until July1. I am sure my health problems will qualify, but just think if I was denied. I am 56 years old and have been heavy since I was 10.. I have had Open Heart Surgery, diabetes, swelling in the feet and legs. Never sleep... My diabetes is the part that is causing all the problems. Amanda... be greatful that you don't have a lot of health issues. But keep trying my dear, you will make it.. Here's wishing you all wonderful things. !!!!!!!!!!
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