I'm ready to explode---smokers

on 6/14/12 4:28 am - Fredericksburg, VA
 So. I have a confession to make. I quit smoking as of last night and I have been 14 hours without a cigarette. (which doesn't seem like long but I feel like I am dying). Here's my problem: I know I need to quit for the surgery on July 2 but I need some encouragement. I was never a heavy smoker and I am a nurse so I know what it can do to your health. Every time I have tried to quit I have failed miserably. I am getting blood work tomorrow and I know if there are high levs of carbon monoxide in my body it would alert them that I smoke thus probably not doing the surgery. Basically, my anxiety and irritability is taking its toll on me and it doesn't help that my family has decided to be unsupportive at this point. 
HW: 248 SW: 240 CW: 210
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/12 4:37 am
If you need it, go get some synthetic nicotine (patches, gum, whatever....). I smoked for 30 years anywhere from 1/2 a pack to a pack a day. I was a confirmed smoker. I found a fantastic hypnotherapist, went for one session and haven't smoked since. No withdrawal to speak of, no freak outs, just some rage issues on the 6th day out. Went in for a tune up session on the 7th day out and haven't looked back since.
Also, maybe see if you can get one of your docs to prescribe Chantix. I've heard it works great! I didn't use it, but my PCP thinks it's very effective.

Good luck! I'm there for you. PM me if you need to chat - I'm happy to talk you through a craving. Just don't give in. I know how hard this is. You're pre op, right? Feed the craving if you need to!
on 6/14/12 4:38 am, edited 6/14/12 4:39 am - Hickory Creek, TX
VSG on 02/29/12
Well you can get all the online support you need right here on OH. When my mother smoked she was always one of those that could stop on a dime and not smoke again for 10 years. I  have find that with most of my friends, they have failed at quitting it because they really weren't ready to quit even though they wanted too.

You now have a reason to quit and a reason to extend your life and live it to the fullest. All you have to do now is just believe in yourself. The stress doesn't help any but you're strong enough now that you can do this. You've made the decision to change your life for the better..don't let something as insignificant as this get in your way. It will be okay and you can do this...I personally have faith in you because to me you have already made the hardest decision in your life...

The decision to live.

Barbara McKeown

Michelle H.

on 6/14/12 4:38 am - LA
VSG on 02/27/12
I jus****ched my daddy die from lung cancer. He quit over 25 years before he got cancer. If this isn't enough to make you stop, then nothing is going to be enough.


or try this one

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Michelle from Louisiana

on 6/14/12 4:42 am
VSG on 03/07/12 with
 I am so sorry you and family went through that. I can't even imagine. 
I do want to say that that will not cause someone to quit smoking. We are adult and know exactly what the effects of smoking are. It is a true addiction and until someone is truly ready to stop, they won't. 
It really is just like our weight issues. We know what happens when we eat bad or consume big amounts of food about until we are ready to commit, it's not going to happen! 

 VSG 3/07/12     HW:260   SW: 249   CW:164  


on 6/14/12 4:38 am
VSG on 03/07/12 with
 I know this is not the best advice, but here is what I did. 

I am 29 and have smoked since i was 16. I have tried to stop so many times. I would be around someone who smoked and then just have "one". That started the cycle all over again. So, when I decided to have WLS, I made a promise to myself that there would NEVER be another cig. after surgery. I did slow down before surgery but didn't quit all together. I was nervous about the surgery and the diet and I had about 3-4 a day until surgery. 

Since the day of surgery, I have not had ONE cig. I was in the hospital for two nights and felt so crappy afterwards that it didn't cross my mind. So, I stopped beating myself up about not quitting completely before surgery, it was just to much for me, but from the day of and after, I have not touched one. 

 VSG 3/07/12     HW:260   SW: 249   CW:164  


on 6/14/12 4:57 am - Hickory Creek, TX
VSG on 02/29/12
  You did it!

Barbara McKeown

on 6/14/12 4:43 am - United Kingdom
Sorry you're having these problems and that your family won't help.  I've never been a smoker, but I know the problems with food addiction, so you have my sympathies.  Perhaps not thinking about giving up will help - it's just that you've decided not to have the next one?  Have a chat with a Chemist or your Doctor, they may be able to help, or find someone else who's giving up - misery loves company!!!  LOL.  Best of luck. 

on 6/14/12 4:45 am
VSG on 06/25/12
Have faith, my husband smoked from the age of 14 until  little over a month ago at age 39.  It was hell (for both of us  LOL) for the first several weeks but it has gotten better for him.  He has been using the mini lozenges and has preferred them over anything else he has used before including the larger lozenges.  We celebrated a month smoke free on the 1st and he is still using the pills but doesn't need them as much.  Whenever he starts to get a little *****y I just ask if he's had a pill and he takes one but that doesn't happen nearly as much as it did early on and he doesn't feel those physical symptoms and pain he did at first. 
Michelle H.

on 6/14/12 4:49 am - LA
VSG on 02/27/12
Seeing the videos and knowing that it COULD be you might give you the extra incentive to quit. I know it's not THE answer but when I was a smoker (1+ pack per day), thinking about leaving my husband, children and potential (one day) grandbabies behind was enough to make me think harder about quitting. I wonder though if i hadn't quit if I would have gotten lung cancer and not been able to see my 2 beautiful granddaughters that were eventually born. There's no better time than now to quit. You're having this surgery to make yourself healthier so smoking goes against all the reasons why one would want the surgery. Why not eliminate the fat and the nicotine in one fell swoop. What a huge accomplishment that would be! Good luck on your journey. I hope it's a safe one.
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