The Waiting is the Hardest Part!

Denise M.
on 12/4/03 2:57 pm - Taylorsville, UT
My name is Denise and I joined this website, initially, June of 2002 when I made my first attempt at WLS back in Oregon. I became disabled after I injured my back, and could no longer work. My back surgeon suggested WLS as my only hope of normalcy. So, after researching and talking to friends (half dozen of which worked with me with the same insurance, had already had the surgery without any difficulty or appeals) I found a popular bariatric surgeon. I got all of my paperwork and pre-tests done and sent. I met the surgeon, he approved me for surgery. But, right before he sent out my Medical Necessity letter, he dropped out. He left me the option to start all over again with another doctor, pay him to get all of my records back, after paying a non-refundable $300 just to see him, and then hope for the best. But, by then, I could no longer care for myself and had to move to find free help, aka my really terrific mom-in-law in SLC. So, my hubby, 2 boys, and I moved to UT. Quickly, I tried again, but I lost my insurance. I kept all the info for RMAP (Rocky Mountain Associated Physicians) because I was thoroughly impressed with the surgeons and the after care program. Then I had to wait until my husband found a job with insurance before I could reapply. He finally found a job in July 2003, but his insurance wouldn't begin until October 1, 2003. Inpatiently, I turned in all of my records, reports and RMAP application in August, understanding they couldn't send the letter until October 1. The letter and paperwork was all sent into my insurance, EMPIRE BCBS, on October 3, 2003, but wasn't received until it was faxed again on Oct. 17. About three weeks later I was told by Empire that all I needed was a psych evaluation. Finally, I got the completed evaluation yesterday (Dec. 3, 2003) and handed it in myself to RMAP. So now, I am waiting for them to get it to Empire and then a decision. Phew! It's been a year and a half in coming, and I feel I'm in the home stretch, but it's still so hard to be patient. I feel bad complaining, knowing others have gone through years of appeals, or were forced to self-pay. But the pain medication (methadone) that I take for my back is now killing me by causing my liver to breakdown. It's slow going, but with an already weakened liver I don't want to get to a point where I am waiting for a new liver rather than approval for WLS! I guess I'm here looking for support. I know I'm not alone, but it's sure seems that way when my life is spent mostly in a pain induced seclusion. Thanks for reading all the way through my story and the shoulders to cry on! Denise (PS these are the cutest emoticons I've seen!)
jackie S.
on 12/5/03 1:03 am - kaysville, ut
Hi Denise, I have just started the ball rolling, and have all my paperwork together and my first appointment with my surgeon Dr. Christine Richards, is next Friday. She is downtown, right next to Salt Lake Regional Hospital. I am doing a lap band, as I am too scared to do an RNY...but thats just me. The waiting is hard, but having the surgery paid for by insurance is well worth the wait. I have Empire BCBS too, but my paperwork will not be sent until I see the doctor. Good luck to you, and may we both be "losers" soon As Always, Jackie
on 12/5/03 8:04 am - Holladay, UT
Yeah! People in UTAH!!! I thought everyone else had fallen away! Good Luck to you both! I was banded in August 2003 and am lovin' it! I love WLS and what it can do for us! Hang in there Denise! You will make it! Good Luck Jackie! Keep in touch, will you both? Spread the word with your doctors about the website and maybe we can get somemore Utahns online! I hope to hear from you both soon! Tasha
Denise M.
on 12/5/03 1:19 pm - Taylorsville, UT
Jackie and Tasha~ Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! I feel better knowing that there are others who are in the same position, or, at least, have been. I talked to Empire BCBS today and they received the psych eval and so far my paperwork "seems" complete. She said she should have a decision on Tuesday. But I've learned not to get too excited at the sounds of "should"s. I've heard too many without fruition, and it gets discouraging. Sometimes it's hard being a pessimist and always being right! I'd love to be pleasantly surprised once in a while. When it happens, it's like winning the lottery. Denise
Kristen H.
on 12/7/03 8:04 am - Clinton, Ut
Denise.. I know what you mean about the waiting it has to be the hardest part! But so very worth it. I waited 8 years to have wls in that time I had 3 insurance companies all with exclusionary policies. But, I decided my health and future happiness was worth just paying for the surgery and stop being mad about things I will never change. So Denise just think about your future and how great you will feel. All the waiting will seem miniscule when you start melting like a snowman. Best of luck to you and let us know what Tuesday brings. Kristen
on 12/8/03 1:36 am - Holladay, UT
Good Luck on Tuesday Denise! Let us know what happens! We'll be cheering for you! Tash
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