Tuesday coffee for Ottawa maintenance group

on 8/14/11 2:07 am - Ottawa, Canada
Tuesday August 16th, 2011.
7:00 pm 
St. Laurent Centre

We will meet in the food court where peole can get drinks and or dinner and then if people want we can do some mall walking and chatting.  There are also lots of comfy chairs where we can sit and chat if people wish.

Everyone who is 14 months or more out from surgery are welcome to join us.

I look forward to seeing you Tuesday.


Citrate or Bust (a few bones) !
catnip.gif picture by catnipcook

on 8/14/11 7:22 am
Not 14 months out so.........................
on 8/14/11 9:19 am - Ottawa, Canada
 There are lots of meetings where anyone can attend.

I am sure someone will pop on and tell you about them soon.


Citrate or Bust (a few bones) !
catnip.gif picture by catnipcook

on 8/14/11 12:27 pm - Ottawa, Canada
I will definitely try and make it out, good idea though, thanks for putting it out there :)
on 8/15/11 1:22 pm - Ottawa, Canada
 Looking forward to seeing everyone out tomorrow night.


Citrate or Bust (a few bones) !
catnip.gif picture by catnipcook

on 8/16/11 1:47 pm - Ottawa, Canada
Thank you for a fantastic evening!!

 Listed below are the upcoming Coffee nights at Starbucks (Hunt Club and Merivale Rd) starting at 7:00 pm.



ohcardheidismanimated.gif picture by lynnca1972


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