365 days

on 1/5/12 10:44 pm, edited 1/5/12 11:05 pm - Canada
I made the best decision a person could do for theirselves. Yes its been a year already that i had my sleeve! I cant believe its been that long so far! I wouldnt say its been an easy road but one i wouldnt change for anything.

When i began this journey i had 6 months to lose 10lbs. Silly me DIDNT take it seriously and do it. So time September rolled around they gave me ONE more chance. I had 2 months to lose 20lbs. So i followed a special diet and i lost 24lbs after putting my mind to it! I was then scheduled to have surgery January 6th. I had lost 45lbs by that time.

I wasnt all that nervous on my surgery day until they told me i had to have the breathing tube put down while i was awake! (cause i have a goiter *thyroid*, which i need operated on this year but thats another story) so then i freaked out and i will tell you it was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world! Scary to say the least!

The surgery went fine and as text book as it could go the surgeon told me. Sadly i had booked off 3-4 weeks of work but ended up taking off 3 months. I ended up with a gall stone stuck in my bile duct which cause me a great deal of pain. The same pain as gallbladder attacks cause (i had my gall bladder removed over 10 yrs ago) so this was a stone they had left there by mistake. Soooooooooooo i finally had my endscope to clear that problem and then i could focus on losing the weight.

My surgeons goal weight for me was 170, i said 150 so i went between the two and said ok 160 it is. I am happy to say i hit my goal weight a few months ago and lost more since then.  My lowest was 137lbs but Christmas put on 2.5 pounds which i am trying to get off now.

Off all three of my blood pressure meds now and all three of my diabetic medication! And i dont have to take any inhalers anymore for asthma. I can walk upstairs without huffing and puffing. I have more energy then i used to! I feel great all around to be honest. Well except my thryoid trouble now and well back pain. My back sadly hurts more than it ever did when i was obese. But hoping to get that looked at soon!

All in all i would never change a thing and I LOVE MY SLEEVE!


I am going to try and attach some pics of before and after. I have more on my profile if you like to see and send a friend reqest too if you like!

Ok pics arent working for some reason for me. :-(

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 1/5/12 10:56 pm - Canada
on 1/5/12 11:10 pm, edited 1/5/12 11:10 pm - Canada
Before pic 300lbs

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 1/5/12 11:11 pm - Canada
During pic 160lbs

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 1/5/12 11:17 pm - Canada
After pic 137lbs

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 1/7/12 10:02 am
Great job in 1 year. Any tips?
Sleeved 15-Sept-2011 HW 294 Pre op weight 285 SW 279 GW 145?
Pre op 6 lbs lost, M1 - 23 lbs M2 - 11 lbs M3 - 12 M4 - 6 M5 -10 M6 -10 M7 -7 M8 - 4 M9 - 4
M10- 4 M11 - 5 M12 - 0

on 1/8/12 6:45 am - Canada
Stick to the under 40 grams of carbs, 80 grams protein, at least if not more 8 cups of fluids a day and exercise! And most importantly patience will get you to your goal in no time!

what do you wanna be when you grow up little girl? i wanna be a loser and sit on the bench sir! (45 lbs lost pre op) 300lbs starting weight, currently 141lbs! Lowest has been 135lbs and hoping to get back to that.
on 2/26/12 2:08 am
 oh my goodness you look amazing.  congratulations on all your hard work!!
on 3/26/12 5:40 am - Sydney, Canada
Hi Kit,

Way to go, girl.  What an inspiration with those pictures.  I remember Diana Lawlor saying, "Just give us one little year".  I had my surgery in August of last year and things are going great. I'm not losing as fast as they wanted me to, but I'm happy that I'm losing.  If it takes me a little longer to get to goal, that is okay too.

Keep up the great work, Kit, and remember One Day at a Time.
Carly ~
on 1/9/12 1:38 pm
 You look simply amazing Kit!  
I too had to be consciously intubated, and I didn't have a lot of time to panic about it.  

I can't believe the difference a year makes!

If you live local, you could come to our support group and be an inspiration to us all!
We have meetings local to HRM, and a facebook group.

Great bunch!  Would love to have you join us!
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