First hurdle passed!

Deborah M.
on 6/1/07 10:44 pm - Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
I met with my GP earlier this week, and she's supporting my request for out-of-country surgery through MSI. I'm going for bloodwork, EKG, x-rays on Monday, as soon as she receives the results, she'll do the letter for me to Dr Bugden at MSI. I'm asking for out of country approval to Barix in Michigan because of the long waiting list with Dr B in Moncton, and the fact that McGill University Health Centre is no longer accepting patients from outside Quebec. So, first hurdle passed, I wonder how many are to come before I reach success! (staying positive!)
on 6/4/07 12:52 am - Wedgeport, NS, Canada
Hi I was just wondering if MSI will cover the entire thing? Are you having lap-band or bypass? Any info would be great! Krista
Fredricka MacLean
on 6/4/07 7:17 am - Canada
Wow! I'm in the same boat actually. Trying to get my the RNY surgery out of country. My surgeon is Elliott Goodman out of the Beth Israel Hospital in NY. He is the head of Batriatic Surgery there. He charges $20K US for everything (surgery, tests, hospital stay) barring any complications. He has already sent a letter to my family Dr supporting my application and is more than prepared to send a letter directly to Dr. Bugden. He's just waiting for me to give him the go ahead. They have a contract with OHIP to do their patients in Ontario. He is prepared to offer Dr. Bugden the same contract. Now we just need a referral from a NS surgeon. My Dr is on board as well and has referred me to a Gastric Surgeon in NS to review my claim and who we hope then would recommend to Dr. Goodman in the US. Then we ask Dr. Bugden to approve MSI paying for it. It's complicated for sure but we should keep each other posted on developments!!!
Deborah M.
on 6/4/07 2:19 pm - Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
Barix in the 'States (Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania) also does bariatric surgery for Ontario patients. Check out the Ontario OH forums, some valuable info there! I'm hoping to be a patient of Dr Poplawski, who's the chief surgeon in the Michigan centre, and the head of the Barix program nationwide. My doctor's writing the letter to Dr Bugden for me first, which makes sense to me. She's the one who knows me, not a prospective bariatric surgeon I've never met, who doesn't have a clue about me other than my weight and BMI. She's also sending all my lab results to Barix, so if I'm declined by MSI (which is a significant possibility; I'm told that MSI doesn't approve much out-of-country surgery), then Barix and my doctor will both help me with an appeal. At this point, it feels like a bit of a long shot, and I'm not being overly optimistic at all. I may still have to self-pay, but this sure is worth a try. GOOD LUCK with your journey too!
Deborah M.
on 6/4/07 2:23 pm - Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
OH! Sorry Krista, I should've posted responses to you both in the previous post. I'm applying for coverage for RNY lap bypass. It's not a certainty whether MSI will pay for anything at all. I guess this is just "testing the waters" to figure out where to go/what to do from here. MSI will definitely not pay for lap band at all though. Sure wish we had resources here in Nova Scotia. sigh.
on 6/5/07 1:42 am - Wedgeport, NS, Canada
Hi! Thanks for the info!! I was talking to a claims adjuster in MSI yesterday and asked about out of country funding and she told me thus far no one has been granted permission. She went on to say that even out of province is VERY tricky! I was very upset at the end of the conversation! It makes me so mad that OUR province does not offer the service as tax payers who are supposed to receive health care...we are not getting it! They should provide us with options! It is so frustrating, especially since there are 3 surgeons throughout NS that are trained to do the procedures, but they are being stopped. Hopefully one of these days the government will wake up and realize that obesity is a disease that needs to be treated...just as they do cancer! Obesity is just as deadly! Best of luck! I hope you will be the first to succeed! Keep us posted! Krista
Fredricka MacLean
on 6/7/07 7:45 am - Canada
Do not let the receptionist tell you what you are and are not entitled to!!!!!! This is the same bird that told me they do not pay for anything to do with weight loss, RNY, lap band, stapling, nothing!!!! Then I turn around and find out that yes they will cover for RNY!!!! So never say die!!!!! Keep on plugging away at them!!! I am and I will let you know what happens.
on 6/8/07 1:04 am - Middle Sackville, Canada
Hi, I don't want to disappoint anybody but i tried with the help of my GP to get approval for out-of-country lap RNY. Dr. Bogden sent me a letter categorically saying they don't send people out of country for that and they would pay for it in NB. I didn't want to wait 5 years (at least) so I went the cheapest way to India and lost 130 lbs since March 2006. (Cost me $15,000 travel for 2 and all included) At the moment I am fighting with Revenue Canada to have it at least deducted from Taxes. I hope MSI changes its mind because it is really a shame that they don't support obese people here. Good luck to you all.
Deborah M.
on 6/8/07 11:04 am - Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
I expect that's the answer I'll get too. Sigh. I wonder if it's even worth asking now, or whether I should just not waste any more time, and investigate the user-pay options. Self pay in the 'States is horrendously expensive! Christine, has Revenue Canada allowed you to claim ANY of your medical expenses??
on 6/10/07 11:39 pm - Middle Sackville, Canada
Hi, I didn't want to discourage you totally. I think you should ask MSI so they know that there is a demand for this type of surgery here.And who knows, maybe one day they will change their answer.Self pay in the states is very expensive, that's why I chose India and had a good experience. I claimed the full costs including travel at Rev. Canada and they now responded that they want a letter from my physician explaining why I had to go out of country. I am going to get that tomorrow and fax it to them and then I will see. I think they have to allow it, because they were necessary expenses. I'll post a note on the messageboard when it is approved or denied to let you know. We are trying at the same time to deduct my husbands expenses for the lapband (first consultation with flight to Montreal, surgery was done this year) in Montreal (which is the cheapest option overall, it cost us (excluding travel) "only" 7500Dollars after MSI paid a small part.). He needs a letter from the family doctor too why he had to go out of province. I'll get that tomorrow, too. So, don't give up and good luck!
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