
on 4/20/07 11:56 am - Canada
Just wondering how long many of you have had to wait for surgery in NB ? What the cost is ? What is the recovery time ?
on 4/25/07 1:11 am - amherst, Canada
i was lucky, got surgery very fast only waited 5 years but was on one list with one surgen and shanged my self to another...there is only one now. the nb patients are covered, i was covered (im from ns) i think if you have to pay for RNY (im not sure) but it costs 5000.00 and or you can have Lap-band operation. the wait is 5 years for rny and not much of a wait for lap-band. he does the operations via laperscopic. unless emergancies arrise.
on 7/13/07 1:20 am
Hi Elaine, We are in Utica NY. We have many pts from Ontario. The wait to see us for canadian pts is usally 4-8 weeks and then surgery is schedule is in 2-4 months. We try to accomodate them because the trip is a hassel so we hold blocks open for them. If you have any questions fell free to call us. just ask for Terry. Dr. Graber 315-624-4740
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