
on 8/5/10 10:57 pm - Seymour, MO

Went to my new PCP yesterday, he's a young doctor (39 is young for me), and really good looking. He likes that I had the surgery and am doing well, did blood work to see if we can get rid of any more of my meds and prescribed Chantix for me. My quit date is Friday Aug 13. So I take the Chantix as prescribed and still smoke if I want to.

The OFFICIAL is I weighed in at 266 and that means only 1 pound til I reach the Century Club. I also went down a pant size from 2X to 1X. So will be clothes shopping again this month.

Thank-you all for being so supportive and all the good feed back I get. It helps keep my mood up and that's so important for me right now.

Love you all



   JEANIE RAE            
on 8/5/10 11:13 pm
 You are doing great. Don't buy too many 1x's cause they won't fit long. I hug on to a few size 10/12 thinking I  better just in case but they are going. If you hold on to the bigger ones its like asking to regain weight. Buy yourself a large and you will be surprised how fast you will be in it.

Jan C.
on 8/5/10 11:24 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Susie is right dont buy many in any size that you are in going down....if we put the word out there is probably someone out there that would have some Larges for you to have when you get there. ....and it wont be long.  you are doing great. keep on keeping on....

so your stop date for the cigs is the same day as our next excited for you. you can and will do it i know.

I Hope to be in Springfield early the day of the meetinug if you would like to meet up somewhere.....
Glad that you have a new and supportive doctor. my doctor is just like that she is so excited that of where i was and where i am now.


on 8/5/10 11:45 pm - Seymour, MO
YIPPEE, HOORAY!!!!! Way to go girl! You have done so awesome. I know you can slay the nicotine are a winner!!!
Looking forward to spending time with you next week for meetings!!!
on 8/6/10 12:40 am - Grain Valley, MO
Yes, 39 seems young.  I remember my mother telling some neighbor women she was 37 and I was mortified she would tell them she was THAT old.  Now that seem really young to me.

Go to the thrift store to shop.  It's fun and cheap.  You change sizes quickly!!


RNY: July 8, 2008

Dr. John Price

Kansas City, MO

Tamara B.
on 8/9/10 3:16 pm - southwest, MO
This post made me smile! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!! You are doing AWESOME! CONGRATS!!!
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