Got a date now I have to wait

on 6/29/09 2:58 pm
Hey everyone I finally got a date april of 2011.  Well that is still quite a long wait but it still feels good just knowing that its all going to happen.  It will be RNY done laproscopicaly.
on 6/30/09 8:28 am - Canada
Way to go!!!! It may seem like a long ways away but try using this time to prepare yourself physically and mentally. Make as many changes as you can before going in for surgery. That's what I'm doing and I know it will make a difference in my success. Best of luck to you!
on 6/30/09 12:58 pm
Thanks for the support.  I appreciate the kind thoughts.  When are you going for surgery?
on 6/30/09 1:07 pm - Canada
You are very welcome! I'm going for surgery supposedly in 9 months or less. I just had my consult with a week ago with Dr. Rusnak, but he is retiring in a couple months and a different surgeon is taking over. So it is holding things up. Extremely lucky to have gotten in to see him after only 3 months. 
on 6/30/09 1:27 pm
That is fantastic.  If you have a date for surgery already I am sure even if a new Doctor takes over that they will still honor the appointment that you have.  Did you have any trouble with Manitoba health and their paperwork?  I havnt been approved for surgery by them yet eventhough I have a date.  I Hope I will be approved Im not quite sure how that works.
on 7/1/09 11:22 am - Canada
I was approved for my consult flight and my surgery. But not for the trip I need coming up to do all the additional testing. I am going to call them in a few days to see what I have to do to get approved. They also didn't approve my escort so I am going to have to fight for that. Also, I need to send in my ticket for reimbursement. Hope everything goes smoothly.
      Oddly enough, the most trouble I've gotten so far is from my specialist who didn't send in my referral for over a month so I didn't get approved before I left which caused me a great deal of anxiety. Try and get everything done as soon as you can so if problems arise you can deal with them right away. I wonder, do you have to have a date to request approval? Cause I would love to send everything in now. Keep up the good work. We are all in this together!!
on 7/1/09 1:40 pm
I was approved the day befor I left to see Doctor nohr.  Which was just an amazing stroke of luck I think.  When I went to see Doctor Nohr I was given a date for surgery.  I do not know if I was approved for surgery though, because I dont know if that is something I have to send in or if that is something that my family Doctor requests before sending me to the surgeon.  It is really different for each different person I find. Thank you very much for your poitivity.  I find that the people that work at Manitoba health have actually been very helpful.  So if you have papers to get reimbursed I'm sure it won't be a problem.  Take care, and I hope you get your approval soon.
on 7/1/09 11:16 pm - winnipeg, Canada
Hi there

Congrats on the surgery date, before you know it you will be flying back for your surgery!!. Prior to your surgery  your family physician will have to send a letter to manitoba health, out of province claims, to let them know you are having your surgery in 2010.  I think its  abit early to do it yet but its a must before you leave for surgery. You are also eligible for a companion to come with you for your surgery, if you want one, your doctor must indicate that on the letter that he/she send to out of province claims regarding your upcoming surgery.  They will give you no problems for a companion for your surgery date. They will not cover companions for any other consults, tests, etc.  When i had to call manitoba health in the past i always called out of province claims at manitoba health.  I found them to be very helpful and always steered me in the right direction.  Good luck to you and hang in there, your turn will come before you know it.

on 7/3/09 4:19 am
Hello  and thank you for the info.  All of this information has been very helpful to try and get pepared before hand.  Which is great when you have everything prepared when the Doctors or manitoba health ask for it.  It seems like so much paperwork.  Thanks again.
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