All Manitoba OH members

on 5/14/09 4:48 am - Canada
I wonder how or why Manitoba can't get with the program and see how in need we are of our own Bariatric clinic and surgeon. Who do we complain to and where do we take our complaints too. When there is waiting times up to 5 years in other provinces for weight loss surgery, you think we would get on board and help the rest of Canada out!!!!!!!!! I just don't understand why they can't see the importance.

Thanks for listening to me vent Stephanie
(deactivated member)
on 5/14/09 2:02 pm - Canada
I'm in complete agreement with you!!!!
on 5/14/09 2:41 pm - Canada
It would be a relief to alot of people if that happend. Waiting is a hard thing to do when it's years and years. I'm trying to get in to see Dr.Rusnak but I heard if your BMI is high enough you can go out of province for bariatric surgery. Hope its true. Willing to listen anytime.
on 6/18/11 3:35 am, edited 8/30/11 7:49 am
 Hi. My name is Jim and I live in Northern Manitoba. With a BMI of 44, sleep apnea, diabetes, High blood pressure, etc, etc, I'm starting my journey for gastric sleeve surgery. I'm trying to find out if MB will pay/reimburse for out of country costs as the wait list in Canada is so long. Any info woill be much appreciated. If you get a group from MB started let me know so I can join.
on 5/20/09 7:23 am
RNY on 03/18/13

Yup, very frustrating indeed.  I wish MB Health would cover out of country procedures.  Not too sure who we would send complaints to but I really do believe that it would fall on deaf ears.

So, I will continue to await my consult with Dr. Starr........................  been only 6 months now, I am sure there are many months to go yet.

(deactivated member)
on 5/24/09 5:23 am, edited 5/24/09 5:24 am - Canada
A strong letter/petition to Minister of Health, MHSC? We need their attention to this issue now!!!!
on 5/24/09 6:05 am - Canada
Well where should we start? Is there places in Winnipeg that could start? Maybe Dr.'s offices or something like that.  Lets get some ideas or knowledge together.

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