OT FOR a report in college about healthcare.

on 11/27/07 11:23 am - Down South, IL
Hi my name is dee I am doing a english paper and it has to be on micheal moores movie sicko. In the movie he say the healthcare is awesome in canada. You don't have long waits and you get your healthcare for free. I was wondering how true it was. I have a few questions about that. 1. how long does it take to see a dr. 2. are there any fees. 3. how long for a surgery simple or serious? 4. Do you think it is a good working system? any imput would be so great! thanks again dee
on 11/28/07 10:36 pm - Canada
If I call my doctor I can usually see him within a week or sooner. If you go to a walk in which there are many in the city of Winnipeg you can see a doctor the same day. The only fees I had to pay is a 20.00 fee to get a referral or something that requires paper from the doctor. Nothing major and most times I don't even pay that. As for surgery I am waiting almost a year and a half, but in that year and half I had to do some things and if I was paying out of my pocket, I think I would have got the surgery a lot sooner. I think we have an amazing health care system and if I should ever live in the states that is one thing I will miss. I have no plans though to move to the states and I am very happy with my doctors here in Canada. Maybe some of this will help.. I can maybe answer some more if you like.
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