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on 2/3/19 4:53 am
DS on 01/12/12
Topic: RE: Weight gain
On February 3, 2019 at 12:45 PM Pacific Time, Janet P. wrote:

Welcome.You've done fabulous losing half your weight. I've had numerous infusions over the years. Personally I think what happens is that you start feeling better after the infusions so you start eating (hard to get rid of old habits).

Like you said, you have to get back to basics. First start writing down what you're eating. You'd be amazed to see where it's coming from - probably carbs. It gets to all of us.

You know what to do - more protein, less carbs, good fats, drink lots of water. If you drink diet soda, stop. Depending on what type of eater you are, have good snacks available (mostly protein, deli meat, cheese, nuts, jerky). Just pay attention to what you eat. Use a small plate, use a small fork. I'm sure you know what your trigger foods are - get rid of them.

Keep a journal. You have to be accountable to someone and it should be you :)

Thank you so much

Janet P.
on 2/3/19 4:47 am
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemia

Steve - Clearly with the lengthening of her CC, everything has changed. You're getting some good information but your wife needs an endocrinologist to find out what's wrong. Hope you get some answers.

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

Janet P.
on 2/3/19 4:45 am
Topic: RE: Weight gain

Welcome.You've done fabulous losing half your weight. I've had numerous infusions over the years. Personally I think what happens is that you start feeling better after the infusions so you start eating (hard to get rid of old habits).

Like you said, you have to get back to basics. First start writing down what you're eating. You'd be amazed to see where it's coming from - probably carbs. It gets to all of us.

You know what to do - more protein, less carbs, good fats, drink lots of water. If you drink diet soda, stop. Depending on what type of eater you are, have good snacks available (mostly protein, deli meat, cheese, nuts, jerky). Just pay attention to what you eat. Use a small plate, use a small fork. I'm sure you know what your trigger foods are - get rid of them.

Keep a journal. You have to be accountable to someone and it should be you :)

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

on 2/2/19 6:39 am
Topic: RE: VSG to DS
On January 31, 2019 at 5:46 PM Pacific Time, Dduran wrote:

I think it is modified. My surgeon is in Phx. He has been doing bariatric surgery is for a very long time. I'm just nervous of complications.

I recommend you contact Dr. Ara Keshishian in So Cal (LA suburb) for a phone/video consultation.

I would also caution you about doing a "modified" DS (SIPS/SADI) procedure as research has shown its malabsorption doesn't last more than a year and then you'll be in the same boat you're in now with the RNY. Your best option for long term maintenance of weight loss is the standard of care DS.

As well, most insurance plans don't cover SIPS/SADI as they consider it experimental. So some surgeons fraudulently submit it as a DS but then perform a different surgery (i.e. SIPS/SADI) than what they bill for.

Again, very few surgeons are capable of doing a revision from RNY to DS so it is imperative you select the right surgeon.

on 2/2/19 1:37 am
DS on 01/12/12
Topic: RE: Heartburn

I had ds and heartburns really bad.went and had test done found out I had hernia no need for surgery but coffee kick started it everyday.

on 2/2/19 1:24 am
DS on 01/12/12
Topic: Weight gain

This is my first time posting to this site. I started at 440 and went down to 220 I now wegh 250 lbs. i really need help to get back to basics can someone please help

I recently had. Iron infusions due to the fact I had low iron. However it seems like after the infusions I gained weight.#helpmetogetbackontrack

on 2/1/19 3:56 pm, edited 2/1/19 8:08 am
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemia

Hi Steve,

The fasting of 82 is great. But do check before and after meals (after 1, 2 and 3 hours). She'll need to discover her safe limit. She may, for example, be fine with 20 grams of carbs in a meal and 40 grams may cause a reactive low. Small high fat, high protein, low carb meals several times a day is a good rule of thumb.

The glucose tablets for emergencies is a good idea. I'd also suggest checking her BG when she feels a low coming on. Eat something with protein, like peanut butter crackers. That'll prevent another low a few hours later.

You're most welcome. Please keep us posted.

p.s. there's more info on this thread: ost-DS/

on 2/1/19 10:28 am, edited 2/1/19 2:58 am
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemia

Sorry to hear your wife is having problems. Please go to "search this forum" at the top of the page. And type in reactive hypoglycemia, I did see others having the same issue. Good luck!

on 2/1/19 5:24 am
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemia


My wife was not diabetic before her original surgery. Her common channel was lengthened due to malabsorption. My wife checked her blood sugar this morning at 7am, her last meal was 10pm last night. The reading was 82 mg/dl. We have been thinking along the lines of concentrating on protein more and eating smaller meals more frequently, and maybe carrying something like glucose tablets in her bag for emergencies.



on 1/31/19 10:37 pm, edited 1/31/19 2:50 pm
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemia

Hi Steve,

was your wife diabetic before her DS? I've heard of hypoglycemia being an issue more with people who had diabetes post DS. But your wife's situation seems different, as this didn't show up until the cc was lengthened.

Could I ask the reason for the common channel being lengthened?

With a longer common channel, generally A1C tends to rise due to the greater absorption of carbohydrates. However, i could also see a change from carbs absorbing in a much smaller part of the intestine to well over twice the area, with more carbs being absorbed than before causing BG to rise more rapidly, resulting in the pancreas producing more (too much in this case) insulin leading to lows. This is just a theory, from my t2 perspective. Veterans would know much better than me.

I'd suggest getting a meter and doing pre and post prandial testing to see what specifically triggers these episodes. A poster had hypoglycemia post DS, and they had a CGM to record BG. That was helpful in their case. It may help to eat smaller meals several times a day, high on protein and fat as DS eating goes and reduced carbs. That may help stabilize BG while you're waiting to see an endo.

I hope the endo is able to figure this out asap. I can imagine it being very stressful for her and you.

p.s. reactive hypoglycemia isn't just caused by sugars but high carb meals in general. so she will need to cut back on carbs overall not just sugar. as for protein and fats, the latter doesn't cause BG to rise and the former causes it to rise very slowly. so protein and fat heavy meals with low carbs are unlikely to cause hypos. in fact, they're generally what's recommended for people with reactive hypoglycemia.

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