Update & advice?

Katy S.
on 1/10/13 2:20 am - WA
I really wish I could keep up on here as much as it would help to have the regular reference for support and advice. I'm smack dab in the middle of nursing school so I've forgotten what its even like to have a thing called "free time" but of course I'm thankful in spite of life struggles and good challenges.

I have hit over 200 lbs loss so I'm about 130-135 now and I'm 5'7" (I used to think I was 5'6" silly me I suppose)... I do NOT like how thin I feel or look ... I "see" muscles in my legs and arms but they feel like they have no benefit...

I EAT all day every day ... I get about 70-80 grams of protein *most* days without shakes... I had a couple weeks of disgusting puking and dehydration about 9 months ago and since then I've only been able to stomach protein shakes very very few times...

I'm having tummy issues in the form of lots of gas and EXCESSIVELY greasy stools ... I've taken advice by adding probiotics, I tried cutting out milk but j felt worse and some days milk is the only liquid I want.

I've always had chronic back and joint pain. I've since been to a rheumatologist and I have lupus (low level) and fibromyalgia ... Of course my husband hates that I had surgery because he doesn't understand I've always had chronic fatigue and pain he blames the surgery now ...

Regardless of THOSE health issues ... I would really love to GAIN some weight, I work out 2-3 times a week 30-60 min at a time and I enjoy it ... I feel like I eat as many times a day as I physically can and I supplement protein IF I can stomach it but I have only steadily lost weight for the last 2 years now ... I am either the same or 0.5-1 lb less every time I go to the doctor (which is weekly) which has continually added up to 2-3 lbs per month that doesn't stop ...

Hello out there needing my vets and angels
"Hi, my name is Katy...and I am a meat eating spin junkie"
HW: 336/DOS: 306/CW: 153/GW: 140?
~ CSz: 5 - S/M
* G1: 199# 09/28/11 * G2: 175# 11/30/11 * G3: 160# 12/09/11(
"People too weak to follow their dreams, will always try to find a way to discourage yours"

Valerie G.
on 1/10/13 2:27 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Now that things are leveling out, start enjoying some carbs to gain a little.  It usually does the trick, then the key is balance to keep from gaining more than  you'd like to.  It's nice to be reckless for a while, I must admit.  Now, if that doesn't work, you may need some digestive enzymes to increase your level of absorption. 

You body will continue to adjust to your new weight.  You'll find some filling out over the next year so you don't look so drawn. 

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 1/10/13 6:02 am, edited 1/10/13 6:05 am

70-80g of protein 'most' days... so does that mean that you drop even lower 'some' days? Personally 70-80g of protein is too little we only absorb roughly half of that, so your only getting 30-40g of protein 'most' days. Most day's I hit 150g+, very few days I hit 90-100g. How is your protein looking in your labs? I hope others chime in on your protein intake. Also upping your carbs might help you gain some 'right now' energy and upping your protein will also help your energy/tiredness. I know I notice a huge difference slowly upping my carbs. Try complex carbs first since you have a bit of tummy issues. Also probiotics, like you mentioned, really is a gut saver :) I also have a Greek yogurt plus my probiotic pill daily, I can definitely tell a difference.

I am also going back to school in the fall to become an RN. I joined an accelerated program and hope to be done in 3 years. Now I just need to get my financial aide. I hear the clinicals are very time consuming :) I wish you the very best in school!

HW 259          SW 256          CW 141       GW 150

on 1/10/13 6:14 am - KS
DS on 01/24/13
Katy, Although I am not a DS vet yet, I will be soon. I can relate with the nursing school thingy though. It was stress enough having made a life change.... I was 37 when I went back to school. I think obtaining my BSN was harder than getting my doctorate. I had my band in then....still do but I couldn't eat very much at all with all that stress. I truly felt the unhealthiest in college.... And I did it for 12 years:/ hopefully when you are done and have landed your new position as a nurse you will feel alot better. I know it is hard.... The end result is so rewarding. I love being a nurse. Even after3 years I love it like I graduated yesterday. Hope this helps you on the nursing school level:)



Katy S.
on 1/10/13 7:25 am - WA
I know my protein intake is low and I'm working on that too - we just got a vitamix and I've made a couple non aversion shakes ... The problem I've had with carbs is HORRIBLE painful gas, though even fat is doing this to me ... If I could eat them without the pain I'd definitely add more because I've been going on over 6 months of wanting to gain I look skeleton thin and when I am exhausted I look very ill even when I look in the mirror and friends who have never know about my surgery say I look too thin ... And I know I do.

Its a huge huge balancing act with a family and school - I do know it will be worth it but its still rough ...
"Hi, my name is Katy...and I am a meat eating spin junkie"
HW: 336/DOS: 306/CW: 153/GW: 140?
~ CSz: 5 - S/M
* G1: 199# 09/28/11 * G2: 175# 11/30/11 * G3: 160# 12/09/11(
"People too weak to follow their dreams, will always try to find a way to discourage yours"

on 1/10/13 8:25 am - Milwaukee suburb, WI

The gas & greasy stool might depend on what kind of carbs you're eating.  Most people don't tolerate starchy carbs very well, so anything with pasta, bread, rice, or potatoes.  Some people don't tolerate certain fruits, but most can do fruits of any type with little effect.  Most can do any vegetable, including squashes (but not sweet potato, digests too much like reg potatoes).  I tolerate plain white sugar, such as with coffee or a reasonable amount of chocolate, pretty well.


As for protein, while I do believe there's some variability in terms of malabsorption, the regular women really only needs 40 - 45 grams of protein a day to be safe.  I do think optimally, it should be around 45 - 50 grams.  I think regular digestion women can safely eat 70 - 80 grams of protein/day.  My "rule of thumb" then is multiply that by 2 and that's what you can aim for.  I also tend to eat the amount of protein you do and my albumin is usually in the low 4's and pre-albumin in the mid-6's.  Those are safe numbers, though maybe not optimal (mid 4's & low - mid 7's is probably optimal). 

HW / SW / CW / GW      299 / 287160 / 140     Feb '09 / Mar '09 / Dec '13 /Aug '10          

Appendicitis/Bowel Obstruction Surgery 8/21/10
Beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma!  7/15/2011 - 1/26/2012 

Ran Half-Marathon 10/14/2012

First Pregnancy, Due 8/12/14                             I LOVE MY DS!!!

on 1/10/13 8:30 am

Have you tried a round of Flagyl?  If you have an over growth of bad bacteria, probiotics won't fix you.  You may have to do a round of Flagyl, then repopulate your guts using the probiotics.  You really need to be able to get more protein in.   If not by shakes, then maybe the protein bullets.    Do you have a problem with whey?  Most protein shakes are whey based.  I can't do the whey, so I use Optimum Egg White Protein shakes it comes in two flavors Rich Chocolate and Vanilla Custard.

How much water are you drinking a day?

What was your pre-albumin and albumin on your last set of labs?  Are you using Vitalady's vitamin schedule? 

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

Katy S.
on 1/10/13 11:20 am - WA
I'm on vitalady schedule when I don't fall out of it I'm on like 10 scripts so sometimes I lose track of refilling vites too ... But my last labs were pretty good in everything but protein and iron was low end of normal, A&K were low toward the beginning of fall ... I have since gotten them up I believe but always my protein is low - and now I have fibro and chronic kidney stones ... They keep saying to back off on calcium and I do take citrate but my calcium is always low end of normal too so I'm not sure what they want there ...

As far as carbs all of the above hurt as far as I can tell, I actually had flagyl about a month ago and had acidophilus on top of that when it was done ... The flagyl was because I was taking an AB so I took that to counter it ...

Still it seems the tummy problems keep getting worse no matter what I eat - very few mild lean meats keep my from hurting and then I get food aversions again to the meats :/
"Hi, my name is Katy...and I am a meat eating spin junkie"
HW: 336/DOS: 306/CW: 153/GW: 140?
~ CSz: 5 - S/M
* G1: 199# 09/28/11 * G2: 175# 11/30/11 * G3: 160# 12/09/11(
"People too weak to follow their dreams, will always try to find a way to discourage yours"

on 1/10/13 1:33 pm - CA

Don't think Flagyl is used to counter act antibiotics.  Flagyl IS an antibiotic itself.  Not sure how you took flagyl, but you might need longer course and/or a higher dose.

Keep track of what causes your symptoms.  DSers absorb most of the simple carbohydrates we eat.  Someone on this message board once reported he stopped his weight loss by drinking a few glasses of orange juice every day - OJ is just liquid sugar.  If you don't have problems with dairy, you could try milkshakes for simple carbs.

on 1/10/13 10:44 pm
I supplement my protein needs with Premier protein bars from Sams Club. 30 grams of protein, 25 grams of carbs, and no sugar alcohols. I tried protein drinks early on without luck (I do need to try them again). I couldnt tolerate them.

I start out every morning with a bar. If I find my protein for the day is light, I'll eat another one in the evening. They are very easy to grab and I keep my pantry well stocked with them. I figure I have no reason to ever be short on protein!!
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