My Very First WOW Moment

MaryLouise F.
on 2/15/08 8:26 am - CA
So today I thought what the heck, my niece has been asking me for my cloths that I have grown out of so why not go through them and give her the few things I assumed I had.  I went through every box in my closet (all four).  I went and got a little grocery bag to fill.. I tried on everything I had in my closet.. AND WOW I ended up with two big boxes full of clothes that are too big for me.  And I no longer am able to fit in just one pair of pants but I found some of my smaller jeans and they fit.. YAY!!  So now I have four pairs of jeans to chose Then I tried on a blouse I baught way back in 2001.  And shock shock it actually fit me!!  I am so happy.. my first WOW moment and I am so wanting even  Have a great Friday Everyone and I pray you all have WOW moments this weekend!! (((HUGS)))



on 2/15/08 8:47 am - Stockton, CA
Those moments are pretty great aren't they!? I'm so happy with you and congrats on your first!!
MaryLouise F.
on 2/15/08 3:32 pm - CA
Thank you so much Anaday.. how are you doing?? Have missed seeing you on OH!



on 2/15/08 9:04 am - Corona, CA
Woo Hoo!  This is only the beginning!  Keep up the great workYou Rock 

Check out my Blog!                  

MaryLouise F.
on 2/15/08 3:33 pm - CA
Ty Mom Lid.. I am truelly hopeing this is ONLY the first time.. lol



April Henderson
on 2/15/08 9:48 am - Modesto, CA
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm very proud of you!!!
MaryLouise F.
on 2/15/08 3:34 pm - CA
Thanks April..



Janine J.
on 2/15/08 10:14 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Wow that is a super good WOW moment MaryLouise...I am so happy for you and all those wow moments to come are going to keep you on track and keep you going in the hard times too! Keep up the great work! Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

MaryLouise F.
on 2/15/08 3:35 pm - CA
You know Janine you are right.. Just this one WOW moment has already encouraged me to stay strong!!  Thanks!! 



Jeni H.
on 2/15/08 10:53 am
That is so totally awesome!  I can only imagine what a great feeling it must be!  WOW!!!

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

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