Eating after surgery

on 7/10/12 4:47 am
How much torture was it after the surgery at meal time?...When all you could have was liquid...

How long did it take you to get to real food? Because as I see it...My anniversary is in Jan...Grandsons birthday is in Feb...Sons and Wifes Bday is June...Mine is in July..Thanksgiving in Nov...Christmas in Dec...I LOVE to cook on the grill all summer...SO, How do I eat thru all of these things?

This surgery is a big thing..I know I need to do I going to be strong enough to do it is my question...That question is for me to answer...I think I can do it...I know I need to do it... How did you train yourself to eat after surgery?
Kay L.
on 7/10/12 5:26 am - N., AL
Part of the reason we have an obesity problem is that we center most if not all of our social activities, celebrations, holidays, heck, even funerals, around food.

After your surgery, you won't BE ABLE to eat through all of those days. At least for a good while. You will be restricted by the surgery alone. However, your head will tell you something different. After a period of time (it's different for everybody - maybe a year out), your new stomach will be able to take more. That's when it will become up to you. During the first year when you have good restriction is when you HAVE to change your eating habits and relationship with food. You MAY need counseling to do this. Lots of people do.

You SHOULD get to "real food" based on a phased eating plan your surgeon's office or nutritionist SHOULD provide.

You can do this, but only if you WANT to. Trust me, the surgery, at least for a time, will "train" you to how to eat. You will be able to enjoy food again, but in a different way and different types of food.

Hope this helps. Also, you may want to post or go check out the RNY board if that's the type of surgery you're having. There are boards for each type of surgery that have quite a bit of activity and support. Best wishes!!
Leslie M.
on 7/10/12 10:59 am - AL
Kay L. is right......just follow your Dr's plan!

As far as eating for socialization....look for other ways to be involved in those activities....become the photographer at events!  Plan games to play and be creative!

And when food is tempting remind yourself that food will be there will always be there but refrain until your Dr says you are ready.

You can do it!

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