I have a date!!!!!

Shelly C.
on 5/3/05 4:43 pm - Lloydminster, Canada
Today at 10am I recieved a call from the Royal Alec. Hospital Admitting telling me that I have been scheduled for surgery on May 31st, 2005! I screamed, I cried, I danced and I shook like a leaf. I can't believe it. It was just the other day I was sad over the 2 year wait that I had endured and how not know a date made my journey that much longer. Well people, I now have a date and focal point. I can say I have 28 more days left. 28 More days!!!!!!! I have an appointment at 9am on May 26th with the Dietition for a Class teaching on eating after surgery. And at 1:45pm, I have to be at Admitting to fill out the required paper work to be ready for surgery. So, now I am looking up all the best quotes, inspiration, idea's for food, notes or information on WLS so that I can put this in my journal to take to the hospital with me. My journal that I have kept from the beginning. I wish everyone that is still waiting for a date that you will have your date ASAP!! Hugs..I know how you feel. Hugs Mystic
on 3/12/06 5:59 am - small town, Canada
Hi I just read your profile, was inspired, and I am hopefully going to have surgery with Dr. Davey too. Please would like to contact you to talk about your experiences. Cindy
Carolyn W.
on 3/18/06 5:09 am - Edmonton, Canada
Hey Shelley - are you part of the EBSG group too - I think so. Just wanted to say that I have a date too - Apr 11 and I know what you mean about counting the days. When I switched the calendar to March I started putting in the countdown. I'm so excited yet a little aprehensive but mostly excited. Pls keep in touch and let me know if you would like a visitor while you are here. I'll know more myself in a little while how up to visitors a person is when in the hospital. I'll be a little over a month out by the time you go in so may have some useful info for you. Will you be staying in Edmonton awhile after you're released or are you going straight home. I see your from Sask. Take care and keep in touch. Carolyn "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." - Eleanor Roosevelt
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