Vita4Life! Vendor

Love these vitamins. I buy the capsule form and they are specially made to dissolve quickly for bariatric patients. I have compared the ingredients in these vitamins with lots of others and you can't beat these. My labs are excellent on these vitamins and if you buy in quantities greater than 3 you get a $3 discount on each.
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This is the best calcium supplement I have been able to find. It contains Vitamin D and boron, both of which aid in absorption of calcium. The boron is specifically why I take the calcium, however. Studies indicate that boron improves calcium metabolism and utilization. It can enhance, as well as mimic the effects estrogen produces on calcium metabolism. It also assists in activating vitamin D to its most active form. I can't argue with information like that. I'm a believer!
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I spoke to a gal named Caldwell over 2 years ago when I called the company for information. She swore by these products, and insisted that her labs were perfect because of them. In fact, she even says it in her biography on their website (, so I'm surprised by her reviews here. From what I understand, she no longer works for the company, so I'm sure her reviews are spiteful - I wouldn't hold much credence to them.
Anyhow, back to my review. Products are great. I've had wonderful labs since taking them. I started on the old formula, and when Vita4life switched to a new formula, my labs seemed stable although my Iron levels dipped a little. Recently, they came out with a 2nd multi formula, and it is almost identical to the formula I started with, so I switched back. Wonderful company, great customer service. I would highly recommend.

Again this company has changed their formula in the calcium citrate. They have added Boron and Vit D. Why add more Vitamin D to this. Yes they say it helps the Calcium to absorb better but if your taking their vitamins it should have the amount of Vit D already in it. By taking this I wonder if we are not getting to much Vitamin D now. As for the Boron I am not sure of its value to bypass patients. I have not been able to find anything out about it in the bariatric world. Before taking this new formula I would check with your surgeon/primary care and show them the new ingredents. I have since found a better and cheaper product to take by doing research.
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They have recently changed the formula on the vitamins and for the first time in 2 yrs my labs were low. Also they have become a little expesive if your having to take 12 a day. If your only having to take 2 a day it is moderate in price. Before taking any supplement you should always check with your surgeon or primary care. Do not go by any company's recommendation. And do labs per your surgeons recommendation.
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