Orgain, Inc. Vendor

I receive a week a go, a sample from Obesity Help.
Im being a bariatric patient since Jan 2015. So Im always looking for new proteins to taste and keep a good variety.
I receive the Whey protein powder in creamy chocolate fudge and also a sample of Organic Protein Vanilla bean.
I never in the life buy another flavor than chocolate; I have worst experience when I was 6 years old with the
Nesquick vanilla shake. So I refuse my self to smell anything with vanilla or strawberry shakes. So as I mention, I get 2 favlors on the mail Chocolate and Vanilla. So I try Vanilla first, just in case I hate the flavor. I use Almond milk unsweet from Breeze just 1 1/4 cup and some ice and my nutribullet to blend it well.
I have to bit my tongue and pray for my soul. Because the flavor it's the best vanilla that I ever taste in my life.
I sprink a lil bit of cinamon powder, and was incredible. (Ad. If you try Rumchata before, these protein is her sister soul without alcohol and dairy products on it). sincerely I can believe the flavor and the scent of the vanilla. Smell like those beans.
*The flavor: I never try the heaven, but I think these is it. The flavor is awesome, the best it's that you cand find the vanilla flavor on it, but without that sugar intense thats makes you feel thirsty at the end. I wish find a ice cream brand with these flavor. It's a intense flavor without be anoying, so you can finish the serving with out problem. The texture is really smooth and doesn't have that 'sandy' taste like the chocolate one. I think that smooth texture was because the almond milk, but no. The formula by itself its great.
*Nutrition: To be a ''plant bassed'' protein; is really awesome how many nutriments you find on it. For people like me, who don't eat huge amounts of meat/fish/chicken or for Vegetarian people; it's a great option, not only for the protein. The benefits of the plants are great so you can find fiber, aminos, and many others in small serving.
*Price: There's only 2 options 1lb and 2lbs presentations. The price is a little bit high, but if you keep on mind the benefits and nutriments is kinda good. The bad thing it's the presentation isn't enough for patients who in the first 3 months have to drink 2-3 times proteins shakes. The same as I mention with the chocolate one.
*Extras: It's great and the best option for people who do exercise, super clean option if you are really worry about carbs and calories. As the same with chocolate whey protein, the nutriments are complete and are competition with others "gym" brands but with a better flavor and best nutriments quality.
1 person found this helpful

I receive a week a go, a sample from Obesity Help.
Im being a bariatric patient since Jan 2015. So Im always looking for new proteins to taste and keep a good variety.
I receive the Whey protein powder in creamy chocolate fudge and also a sample of Organic Protein Vanilla bean.
I love chocolate, since my surgery chocolate it's my addiction. So I always choose the chocolate as my first choice. So I really like the taste of these protein. I enjoy every sip, isn't sweet wich is good. I use Almond milk unsweet from Breeze just 1 1/4 cup and some ice and my nutribullet to blend. I enjoy it, but at the time you can feel that dusty taste wish not really good, and also when I finished the glass of protein. I drink some water. Because that taste like sand I can't describe very well.
*The flavor: it's great, like I say before isn't sweet so you can drink all off it. Isn't intense as I expect, so maybe thats why isn't really sweet. It's a great choice for breakfast or snack protein, because the light flavor.
*Nutrition: It's the second organic plan bassed protein that I taste. And so far the most complete. About protein concentration in less than 30grams of powder you can find and enjoy 21gr of pure protein. And also you find many nutriments that persons with bariatric surgery need. It's a complete protein drink with all the benefits.
*Price: There's only 2 options 1lb and 2lbs presentations. The price is a little bit high, but if you keep on mind the benefits and nutriments is kinda good. The bad thing it's the presentation isn't enough for patients who in the first 3 months have to drink 2-3 times proteins shakes. Or for patients like me, who preffers protein on the breakfast or on the go as a snack or after gym.
*Extras: It's great and the best option for people who do exercise, super clean option if you are really worry about carbs and calories.

I received a sample of Orgain creamy chocolate fudge protein powder in the mail. I was surprised by the taste... in a good way! The texture left a little something to be desired, as it was slightly gritty. I mixed mine with unsweetened almond milk and am unsure if I would have had a better result with another beverage mix choice.
(indicates that they have used the product)
I'm in love with this product! I am a 2.5 yrs Post Op Bariatric Sleeve patient and through the years have gotten tired of using protein drinks. Orgain has changed the game. Not only does it not taste like a protein drink, the flavor is spot on. I highly recommend these to any Bari-Patient and for those just looking for a tasty protein treat in the morning. I used it as a smoothie amplifier for taste and an increase in protein. Highly recommend!
(indicates that they have used the product)
I'm in love with this product! I am a 2.5 yrs Post Op Bariatric Sleeve patient and through the years have gotten tired of using protein drinks. Orgain has changed the game. Not only does it not taste like a protein drink, the flavor is spot on. I highly recommend these to any Bari-Patient and for those just looking for a tasty protein treat in the morning. Try it as creamer in your coffee too, makes for a great substitute.
(indicates that they have used the product)1 person found this helpful