Tim Ingram

Rating: 1.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Tim Ingram Psychologist

1 Review for Tim Ingram
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I felt that this psychologist was only interested in whether or not he would be paid by AETNA. He stressed over and over how much trouble he had in the past with HMOs and that he had been stiffed in the past. His biggest concern was telling me about his insurance troubles, putting down my PCP's office. I went to him because my insurance says that he IS covered 100% by my plan. I spent 20 minutes answering questions about my history (basic like age, weight marital stats famimly memebers names, and whether I knew what the surgery was). We spent well over an hour this week listening to him gripe about his experience with HMO's. He my be a fine therapsit, but he seemed only concerned with whether or not he would receive payment.

Update, Surgeon's office called several times, but he would never return their call. Did finally mail the results, but sent to the wrong address, and the incorrect person.

He did give me a 'passing' evaluation... but I really don't feel like I was really evaluated.

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