Steven Tovian

Rating: 1.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Steven Tovian Psychologist

1 Review for Steven Tovian
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I scheduled this appointment for a Friday morning at 7:30am, because the assessments were quite long and I wanted to make it to work at a decent time. Dr. Tovian claims that my appointment was for 7am (which was NEVER the case), I think that because he doesn't have a secretary and schedules his own appointments he has difficulty keeping track. I think that his approach toward me arriving "on-time" was awkward and uncomforting. It made my consultation with him very unappealing (and if you've never seen a psychologist before it can make the meeting very uncomfortable). I feel that he was very uninterested and not very professional. He struck me as being a little weird and made me feel like I was on a firing line the way he shot question after question at me, barely giving me an opportunity to respond, before he asked he next question. As I left his office, the receptionist showed me a copy of a handwritten schedule, that I assume he provides to the clerical staff so they know who to expect(as he schedules his own appointments). It stated that my appointment time was for 7:30am.. Now figure that!!

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