Kristy Breslaw

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Kristy Breslaw Psychologist Psy.D.

1 Review for Kristy Breslaw
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Each month Kristy leads support group meetings for both pre and post op patients. Before surgery I attended and now that I am post I continue. She is a gentle leader who keeps us on topic. She encourages the newbies to ask questions of those farther out from surgery, but always reminds us that each patient is an individual and no two stories are the same. She is unafraid to say she doesn't know tha answer to a question, but within days she emails the information to the questioner. She sends reminders, by email, of all the monthly meetings and is happy to see back a fellow who may have fallen away for a month or two. She reinforces that the surgery is a tool and lifestyle changes are what will keep us on track.

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How sensitive was this person to the needs and feelings of the obese?
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