Terry Lichtenwald

Rating: 3.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Terry Lichtenwald Psychologist Ph.D

1 Review for Terry Lichtenwald
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3/19/03 - Note My insurance company reimbursed $39 out of the $500 Dr. Lichtenwald charged me. I am in the process of requesting a refund of the overcharged amount.
2/19/03 - Though Dr. Lichtenwald was thorough in his eval, I would have to caution others about using him for one reason. He refuses to have anything to do with insurance companies. You must pay him up front ($500). Even though he is a PPO in my network he refuses to send anything to the insurance company, you will have to do that yourself. My insurance company told me that they will send payment directly to him. When I called and told him that his response was "I don't want to get involved." When told that my insurance company would send the check directly to him, his response was "I don't want it, I will refuse it" I found this frustrating from a patient perspective. Dr. Lichtenwald told me that he does this to keep his costs down as well as eliminate the headaches he has had in the past with insurance companies. He told me if he had to file claims to insurance companies, the cost for test would probably be around $1200. Based on my research, I believe that you can still a psych eval much cheaper some place else.

2/11/03 - The BTC finally got their copy on 2/7 and I got my copy on 2/10. Dr. Lechtenwald's assist was very apologetic about the delay and quickly faxed a copy to the Belvidere office. Upon reading my eval, I did note 4 or 5 small errors.

2/6/03 - Update - I am still waiting for the psych eval at this point. Becuase of this, I would have rate Dr.
Lichtenwald lower than I originally did. His skill set as a psychologist is good, but I am disappointed in his lack of follow through.

1/10/03 Dr. Lichtenwald spent the first 1 or so talking with me asking me questions about WLS. I then took a Medical Psychoatirc test (Not the MMPI). After I finished the test, we reviewed the results together. One conclusion the test made was totally opposite of how I am. Becuase Dr. Lichtenwald spent the first hour talking to me, he agreed it did not reflect my beliefs and removed it. I was grateful for the time he spent getting to know me.

2/4 - I was suppose to recieve a copy of my eval and a reciept and still have not. I found out that the BTC dept. is still waiting the eval as well. I spoke with the Patient Counselor in Belvidere and she contacted Dr. Lichtenwald. He promised to followup ont he eval and get it out within the next two days.

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