Suzi Michaels

Rating: 1.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Suzi Michaels Psychologist Ph.D.

1 Review for Suzi Michaels
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I seeked Dr.Michaels out from Dr.Celiks office. Initially, I was to have Dr.Celik perform my surgery, but I encountered too many delays. I am presently scheduled with a surgeon in CA. My initial phone conversation with Dr.Michael's was very friendly and understanding of my need for surgery. Her attitude changed drastically during my evalutation with her. I felt like everything I shared with her of my life she twisted into meaning something different. I couldn't believe she did'nt understand where I was coming from. I had a bad feeling after talking to her, but still had to take a test consisting of 567 questions. I also allowed her to review my records from another agency I was associated with. One week after my appointment with her, she called me to let me know that she was advising the surgeon that she was against surgery at this time. She felt that I needed 3-6 months of therapy, before I could be approved for surgery. She gave me the chance to NOT have the evalutation sent to my surgeon, but I told her to send it. I'm extremely upset that I wasted $300 cash (I don't have insurance)for her to deny me without taking my present declining physical health status into consideration. Also, she thought I needed time to build up more of a support system for post-op incase I should have complications. I don't now or will I in 6 months have any help for aftercare. People who meet with you for one day should not be allowed to dictate your future of health. Anyone who is choosing Dr. Celik (Oregon,OH)for their surgeon should be leary of this psychologist. Dr. Celik had another psychologist to choose from; her name is Dr.Jennifer Yarab at (419) 696-7334. Do your self a Dr.Yarab. Good Luck, Julie W.

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