Phillip Corrado Psychologist PhD.

Dr. Philip Corrado was sooooo out their. I had to see him due to requirement in order to get my bareatric surgery. He passed me with flying colors, but I will tell you he is a head case himself. He act's wierd, lay's on his couch, talks into his tape recorder, talks so fast like he's on something. I cant even put my visit with him into words! Stay away.

He was exeptional with his questioning and professional in in evaluation. I found that him and his staff were extreamly sensative to my evaluaton but yet very informative and supportive in determining if i am a viable canidate for surgery. Highly recommend his services.
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I went into my meeting with Dr. Corrado with a little apprehension about this entire process for a psych eval. Additionally, I’ve read a few negative reviews so naturally I had some concerns. However, I have to admit I do not agree with any of the negative comments posted. Dr. Corrado was thorough with the entire process. He was cognizant of my anxiety of weight loss surgery fully understood why I felt nervous. His calming demeanor made the entire process much easier for me and made me feel comfortable and confident with my decision to pursue the lapband. I had many questions about the lapband surgery and if it was the right tool for me. Dr. Corrado made sure I was fully aware of all the specifics both positive and negative relating to such a big step in my life

I read the other reviews prior to going to this guy (via referral) and wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I just went to his office today for the first time and all I can say is he's awful. Quick to judge you, leaves the door to the office open, takes off to get something to eat, yawns while you're talking, etc. He never asked my opinion on anything, just yes or no answers to everything and treated me as if I was stupid and had zero clue as to what I was doing. I'm sure he's going to deny me because according to him my binge eating disorder is so severe that RnY is a bad choice and he kept pressing for me to get the Lap Band. In his mind somehow he figured I couldn't sabotage my weight loss by lap band?!?! He never asked if I was trying to do something about my binge eating, which I have been working on and never even offered any advice as to how to fix the problem. He asked me about some abuse that happened almost 30 years ago, which still affects me, but was threatening to report the incident, 30 years later!!! I have to speak to my PCP to see what his final assesment of me was, but like other reviews, I'm sure he's going to deny me based on his lack of knowledge of RnY surgery and lack of professionalism. If you ever have to go to this guy, I honestly urge you to ask for someone else. I'm shocked he has a license to practice.

At first, he denied me since I had been diagnosed as clinically depressed by a psychiatrist. But he told me if I had my psychiatrist write a letter stating it was managed that he would approve it. I noticed 2 of the reviews were all negative. I am going to presume they were denied. I was denied at first, but did what he said and he approved it, so I don't know if the other 2 had different circumstances. But I would rather be sure that I knew I would be safe under than end up having complications later on or even worse. I hope my surgery goes well.

I hope my experience was an anomoly... this gentleman was 15 minutes late for my appointment and left the door to his office open to the hall. He started by looking at the two xerox "assessments" I'd been asked to complete (circling statements that apply). After less than 2 minutes he asked how long I'd been depressed. Since I wasn't aware that I was (and don't think I am), I joked "I don't know... you tell me." "Actually, some of those statements, there wasn't a good fit - so I modified them... should we discuss them?" His answer was "No... this is fine. You're depressed" During the course of the next 30 minutes or so, he told me about another patient, asked what I thought of her situation and then argued with me over my opinion (that an abused woman should leave the abuser - even though - or especially since there are now children). He took a call on his cel phone - it was for a referral - he then discussed his patient schedule for the day and engaged in personal chit chat. When he suggested I use Wellbutrin for my depression, I quipped about it helping my ADD and he wanted to know why I knew about Wellbutrin and what I knew about ADD. He then argued with me about the qualification for a Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician to diagnose ADHD. I gave up and escaped. His recommendation for surgery was negative until managed my "depression" via pills and therapy. My opinion is that he has quite a racket being the only psychologist that PA will use and they require 100% of their patients wanting bariatric surgery to see him. If this is the only exposure a person has to psychologists it really leaves a wrong impression.

To say he was weird would be a understatement. I thought he was very unprofessional (answering telephone calls & leaving the door open ) He spoke so fast it was hard to follow him. I was nervous as it was and he was not very pro-active for WLS. Found ot 5 months after Psych Eval that I was denied surgery because he sugessted "Yoga, stress managment, counseling, and biofeedback and relaxation training as means to learn some additional coping strategies other than overeating."

This is my experience only and unfortunately, Dr. Corrado was really strange. He would throw questions out and after I answered he would repeat it once, twice, then go on to the next question. He really didn't seem to have experience in dealing with obese individuals. I don't like saying this, but even the surgeon's office thinks he is really weird, and has had many complaints. During my evaluation, which I waited 30 minutes past my appointed time, he rushed me filling out paperwork, then the questions didn't have anything to do with obesity at all. I took a couple of tests and he determined that I was mildly depressed and thought that taking anti-depressants would help me recover from surgery better!!!!!
It took him over 6 weeks to turn in his report to Dr. Powell, which put me in a bind, since he didn't pass me, I had everything all set up, even the insurance was extended for coverage. He did not pass me because he wanted me to have another eval. with a psychiatrist to be put on anti-depressant drugs! When I found out from the Surgeon's office that the surgery was (again) postponed due to his evaluation, I was very frustrated. They told me I could call him.
I called him and we discussed his evaluation of me, and that I would be available for further evaluations with a psychiatrist after the surgery, and I also told him that I didn't think or feel that I needed any anti-depressants. He then said that it was up to me (thank God) and I told him that I really wanted the surgery to better my life. My surgeon had to call him to get a verbal approval.
All in all, he was intelligent, not very organized, and seemed preoccupied, which he could have been.
Maybe he was just having a rough day when I had my appointment with him, I really don't know.
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I had my psych evaluation on June 20, 2002 by this Psychologist. He was 15 minutes late for the appointment, never once introduced himself, left the door open to his office while interviewing me, anwered phone calls during the exam and talked with a secretary in the middle of my interview. I am a licensed clinical social worker with a private practice of my own and I found this man to be very unprofessionl. Not only that but he seemed not to understand or have any insight into the post-op experience of a gastric bypass patient. He actually rcommended Overeaters Anonymous to me for post-op follow up care. He might as well have recommended Weight Watchers. I was soi angry by the time I left, not to mention insulted buy the way I was treated by this person. He doesn't seem to realize exactly what bariatric patients go through and how their eating rituals have to change and that Overeaters Anonymous Prescribes 3 meals a day and nothing in between which Post-op patients cannot do because of the specific type of prodedure they go through. He also didn't seem to be aware that my surgeon had his own support group for his patients after surgery. If you get referred to this man I recommend that you ask for someone else who understands the entire process. Debbie Hedgecock, LCSW