I. Souza

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

I. Souza Psychologist Ph.D

1 Review for I. Souza
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Ms. Souza was very personable. I think I expected her to be adversarial but she appeared to be feeling her way along just as I was. She read some questeions off a sheet like "Are you depressed? Do you have a support group? Are you addicted to illegal or prescriptions drugs? How do you handel anger? Do you get along with your child? Is your job stressful? Tell me about your history of dealing with weight loss." She was unable to answer the one WLS question I asked her. She said no one had ever asked her what would happen if too much weight was lost. She told me to see my PCP next and then asked me if I would be upset if this WLS process stretched out over a long period of time? Of course I replied that it would be best for me if all the steps were consecutive and prompt.

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