Glenda Thieking

Rating: 1.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Glenda Thieking Psychologist PH.D

1 Review for Glenda Thieking
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This doctor tends to generalize 'fat' people. i was offended at several comments she made to me however, when I called her out on it, she backed off and quickly changed the subject. Specifically, she thinks that all fat people 'STUFF' food. This was outragous to me as most obese people are overweight first, by genetics, second, by lack of exercise and lastly, poor food choices. She also catorgorized me as not being in control of my life because I ate too much and that I must suffer from emotional issues. I went on the defensive with this doc and told her how wonderful my life has been and continues to be. After 45 minutes of conversation, she realized that I don't carry all this baggage she assumed I had and recommended me for the operation. If you see this doctor she does not perform the MMPI test and will only provide clearance for the procedure.

How would you rate this person's impression of bariatric surgery?
How well equipped was this person office to handle obese individuals?
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How experienced did this person seem with helping obese individuals?
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How sensitive was this person to the needs and feelings of the obese?
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