Evelyn Frye

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Evelyn Frye Psychologist Ph.D.

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The Center has partnered with the Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity to develop a comprehensive treatment program for the morbidly obese patient.

Services include:
• Pre-surgical screenings
• Pre-surgical support
• Lunchtime Coaching (see below)
• Coaching for Victory/Aftercare Programs
• Individual Psychotherapy
• Group Psychotherapy
• Psychiatric Consultation

Dr. Evelyn Frye is now available for Lunchtime Coaching for Victory Programs at 12:00 noon every Thursday. This program is informal providing greater opportunity for patients to discuss their individual challenges with Dr. Frye. Coaching for Victory and Lunchtime Coaching are provided to all of CMC Center for the Treatment of Obesity’s patients without charge.

If you are struggling with your own eating or feelings about your weight and/or body image, you can get help even if you don’t have an eating disorder. Call the Evelyn Frye Center at 615-385-4090 to talk to one of our staff and make an appointment.

©2003 Evelyn Frye Center • All Rights Reserved

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