Kenneth Johnson

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Kenneth Johnson Psychologist MD

1 Review for Kenneth Johnson
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Dr. Johnson was WONDERFUL! Every experience with him was great. I told his staff that I needed to see him ASAP so I could go ahead with surgery and they searched for a cancellation and got me in THE NEXT DAY(compared to 1-2 months)! The seating area actually had seats without armrests jabbing into my sides(a table would have been very helpful though) and the reception staff were so nice. Dr. Johnson was a very nice man. We had a police conversation on the walk to his office(he slowed down for me!) and he let me know that he didn't know alot about the surgery, but he has done several of the psycological reviews required for the ins. company's pre authorization and he knew what they were looking for. He basically just wanted to see that I was going to be compliant and knew of the drastic social and life change this would create. He wanted to see that I had supportive people in my life. We talked about the surgery-he would ask questions and I would answer based on my extensive researching and I'm certain he was "analyzing" me at the time. He told me he would dictate a letter that night and would fax it after the weekend(it was Friday), and he did that! My surgeon told me that he wrote a very nice letter and included stuff in their that most Psychologists don't but he's going to recommend that they do in the future. I really lucked out at my yellow pages finding with Dr. Johnson!

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