Melodie Moorehead Psychologist Dr
Dr Moorehead was absolutely awesome. Dr Parrish her associate visited me daily in the hospital. He came in before I went down for surgery and spoke w/me and my family and prepared us for everything. He had a very positive influence on my surgery experience. He came by to see me every day while in the hospital,. I knew he was coming by and looked forward to seeing him. He was so helpful and supportive.
I have never had a comfort level with female psychologists or doctors for that matter, however, I found this one especially professional and easy to deal with. I honastly feel she could make a big difference in my life, besides the surgery. I hope I can continue seeing her. If you have the option of who to go to in South Florida(Palm Beach, Broward area) you should look into seeing her. :)
This woman thinks she is so superior and is so worried about her statistics that she does not listen to what anyone has to say. She tried to force anti-depressants on my friend who was NOT depressed and had been off of the meds for quite some time. She never listened to my friend saying she was fine, she was too busy worrying about "her quota." This woman is way too concerned with herself, and not nearly concerned enough about her "patients."