Chris Lodi Psychologist
Chris is as straight forward as you can get. Don't think you'll be able to B.S. your way through a session with Chris. He's heard it all. That being said, I found Chris to be a fantastic listener and able to zero in on the root of any problem he perceives. He truely wants to be sure that his patients are ready for surgery and prepared for the lifestyle changes after surgery. Surgery is not the golden pill or the fixall for obesity, and he'll let you know it. It's refreshing to have someone who knows his job, does it well, and can truely help you get the right start in your new life!
He was hard to talk to, seemed very quick to make judgmental comments, and I felt rushed. He seemed angry but don't know why? He has lots of experience but has many biased opinions about who should and sholdn't have WLS. I felt like if I didn't agree with him that he wouldn't approve my evaluation. I won't go back to him. It was a long time ago but sounds like he hasn't changed (ie, AB)!
I personally found Chris to be distant and unsupportive when I needed help. I also felt that he has a superiority complex and is judemental without taking the time to get know his patients. This may not be true of everyone, but this was the case with me when I asked for help and advice. I had dealt with another psychologist when I did my psychiatric review before my surgery who is affiliated with my group, and I LOVED her and the time that we spent together talking. She has since left the group, and I miss the nurturing that she offered. I might add that this person was a WLS candidate when we met, and that this might have made things easier for me to open up to her.
I was scared about seeing a pyscologist, I figured he would institute me
I found him very down to earth and quite easy to talk to, it was as if he was my friend years ago, and we were "catching" up on things. I felt very comfortable with him and I think if i had a problem i wouldn't hesitate to give him a call if need be.
I read stories of evaluations with 350 questions and 8 hrs long evaluation, but that was not the case with Chris Lodi I was done in a hour.