William Medick Psychiatrist
Dr. Medick is the psychologist @ Dr. Wood's office. He was extremely knowledgable about the micro-pouch surgery and the follow-up I will be required to follow post-op. He gave lots of valuable information. He was very thorough in finding out about my diet and family history, to help me better understand why I am overweight. I also liked that he was an associate of Dr. Wood's so he better knew what Dr. Wood was looking for in a psych eval and a potential patient.
Dr. Medick was wonderful. I had trouble reading him at first, I thought he was being negative and that made me very defensive. He kept telling me "we'll come back to that" - I was very confused and all over the place. Many times I would start to say something, he'd finish my thought, not completely correctly but when he was close enough I'd just let it go. However, at the end of the evaluation he revealed himself, and I found he was extremely sensitive to the feelings, needs, and experiences of the severly obese person. I had spent my entire life fat, and everyone always asked "when are you going to lose weight" - "what aren't you doing right" - and it truly got into my head that this was all my fault, I wasn't working hard enough, and if I did I could lose weight on my own but I just wasnt' strong enough. He was the first person who EVER told me that, at least in part, this was something beyond my control, that it WASN'T all my fault. Even after that, it was hard to accept - I kept asking people - do you think he's right or was he just trying to make me feel better? He did in one hour what neither my family, my friends, or myself had never been able to do, which is to stop blaming myself and start to focus on how I was finally going to take control. I'll never forget him for that.