Mc Dermott George

Rating: 1.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Mc Dermott George Psychiatrist Ph.D.

1 Review for Mc Dermott George
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Remeber, this is a personal experience. He may be excellent for other people, but I did not like him at all. I told him exactly what I needed from the beginning, a psych consult to see if I was fit for WLS. I told him I needed it quickly, as my insurance will run out by the end of the year, and I will still need follow up with the surgeon. He agreed, and I began sessions. Well, it took him 8 sessions before he would agree to start the report, and then he actually charged me an extra $200 to write a 2 paragraph letter to my insurance company! If he had explained the extra charge in the beginnning, I would not have chosen him and would have gone to the Dr. my surgeon recommened. The only reason I went to Dr. Mcdermott was because the other Dr. did not take my insurance. I would have saved my self a whole lot of time and frustration by just paying the $250 the other doc wanted for one cunsult and it would have been over and done with. To top it of, Dr. McDermott actually charged me for coming to his office just to pick up the letter. To me, it seemed that he was only out for money. If he has it his way, I'd still be going to see him every week waiting for that report.

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