Robert Poole Psychiatrist ?

I expected to be turned down for this part of the evaluations for the surgury. I have had Bi-Polar depression, technically I still have it, though it has been almost a year since I have needed much treatment. Also, I am a recoverying drug addict. I have been clean now for 5 years, and I had a recent evaluation to show the people who evaluation where I stood. He told me that I was the hardest case he ever had to make and that he had to consult with his partner about what should be done. Against the odds that would normally not get approved because of these issues. Right before he send his approval he told me that he had never had a case like mine. I was totally honest about every thing and I gave him access to everything to make his decesions. It seems that it is common for others who have the same problems I do, try to totally hide it from him. Usually, it would come out and he would deny them do to the fact that if they could not tell the truth about their information there would be a greater chance of them killing them selves after surgury or something more significant problems. He said right before we hung up "I will approve you because you have been honest, you have lost significant weight (70lbs) that shows you are looking for a miracle solution. I believe that you will be the exception to the rule. He requested that I Start counseling on a one on one basis to support me through before, during and after surgery. I attend/continue to attend support groups. He wished me luck and wanted me to let him know how things went and he offered to help me in what was in his ability to do (counseling) at a later time. He said" that he was not trying to drum up business, he genuinely cared." What are the chance of finding a psycologist like that? Slim. He was great.