Mini Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement without Iron

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 with 2 ratings

Mini Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement without Iron by Vita4Life! - Vitamin Supplement

Mini Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement without Iron's Photo

SKU: cm-1
2 Reviews for Mini Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement without Iron
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I've used this supplement for 9 years and my labs are great.

They are capsules easy to swallow and absorb easily.

(indicates that they have not used the product)

Nutritional Value

They have recently changed the formula on the vitamins and for the first time in 2 yrs my labs were low. Also they have become a little expesive if your having to take 12 a day. If your only having to take 2 a day it is moderate in price. Before taking any supplement you should always check with your surgeon or primary care. Do not go by any company's recommendation. And do labs per your surgeons recommendation.

(indicates that they have used the product)

Nutritional Value
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