ON-Q Pain Buster

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

ON-Q Pain Buster by Iflow - Other

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1 Review for ON-Q Pain Buster
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Well I just wanted to post this about this great tool that my surgeon used for post operative pain release. Its a little ball filled with a "Novacaine" (local asnestectic) type drug that has two very small catheters the will dispense internally along the area where the surgery was done. You have it until you leave the hospital. I have to tell you, I had almost no pain the entire time because of this. My brother had the surgery about a year ago and didnt have this and was amazed at how I was doing a few hours after surgery.. So good, that I was allowed to go home the day after surgery. So if you are going to have the surgery, ask you Dr if he uses this or can look into it for you. It was great!

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