Energy The Universal Protein Shake by Nature's Plus - Protein Powder

About UsEnergy The Universal Protein Shake Available Sizes: Product No. 45901 - 0.95 lb / 432g Can (16 Servings) Product No. 45902 - 1.7 lb / 756g Can (28 Servings) Product No. 45900 - 8 Single Serve Packets Product No. 99972 - 5 lb / 2268g Jar (84 Servings)This product is gluten free. This product is vegetarian. Nature's Plus® Energy is a power-packed formula providing the foundation for incredibly delicious energy shakes. Each serving contains only 70 calories and offers 16 grams of energy-producing protein, along with a rich blend of vitamins, minerals, whole foods, enzymes and herbs. Because Energy contains no added sugars or artificial sweeteners, your power shake tastes great alone, or with the subtle, natural flavor and sweetness of your own combination of ingredients, while providing fewer calories than most other shakes. Energy truly is the universal protein. Energy Shake now features our pioneering, patent-pending Tri-Part Protein Blend of non-GMO rice protein, pea protein, and both non-fermented and fermented soy. The Tri-Part Protein Blend's natural proteins are flavor-neutral.
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This is the make your own protein shake. The powder is flavorless, so you can add it to anything like juice, etc. It dissolves well and doesn't leave too much of an aftertaste. It also has 100% of a great many vitamins and minerals.
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