Myoplex Low Carb Shake by EAS Corporation - Protein Drink

An excellent source of protein! One shake contains about 19g of protein!! This is a great tasting drink (chocolate) if served SUPER cold. Anything less than that it tastes like watered-down chocolate light. These are great to keep for a meal replacement too, at only 4g net carbs per serving, you can't go wrong here.
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I'VE TRIED SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS that I ended up throwing away b/c they were so disgusting. I can't stand the thick shakes b/c they're way too filling for me so this shake was a godsend. This shake is GREAT for it's nutritional value. I drink one in the morning to kickstart my day w/ 25 grams of protein (and the least amount of calories of fat anywhere!!! 150/3.5). I would invest and buy the pre-mixed ones b/c it makes it so much easier. ALSO, buy a pack of 4 online to try b/c GNC is way too expensive. I'm sure if you like your shakes thicker the french vanilla would be delicious with a banana. Good luck!!!
(indicates that they have used the product)