Syntrax Nectar Whey Protein Isolate, Apple Ecstasy by Syntrax® - Protein Powder has the best online price for Syntrax nectar that I could find after hours and hours of searching. They have a flat shipping fee of $4.99 and the cost of the product is only $26.35 per 2 lb jug which is one of the lowest on the internet. When you factor in the shipping, your overall cost is very low.
This product is great! There is no horrible whey aftertaste. It mixes well with water and tastes like juice. It is easily tolerated and does not have to be forced down. It actually tastes good!

This was my first taste of the Syntrax line of bariatric products. I mixed the Apple with water, added ice, and tasted. It was awesome. I was amazed. I was expecting a bitter taste or something equally awful. It was none of those. I had planned on mixing it with something else, like crystal light, but I didn't need to. It was so nice and refreshing, not strong or too-sweet. I got this as a free sample and I plan on buying it soon. Yummy, if you like green apples.
(indicates that they have used the product)
This is by far the worst protein powder I have ever tasted. I can't even describe how it tatste. Not too mention the green color makes it even more unappealing. I made the mistake of buying a 2 pound canister because someone had told me it was really good. I can't mix it with anything!! That nasty apple flavor keeps coming back to me and makes me cringe.
(indicates that they have used the product)1 person found this helpful

Very distinctive taste. Try and test some of the flavors before you get a large container. I use the Fruit flavors as bases for fruit protein shakes.
SynTrax will exchange the flavor if you don't like what you picked out. The only catch is you have to ship it to them.
Some of the flavors are good enough that you can eat them like a pixie stick. Others need to be mixed with things...but they have a wide variety of flavors to choose from (just not much of a selection at Vitamin Shoppe!).