Zhanna Kalikhman

Primary Care Physician / Internist
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 with 2 ratings

Zhanna Kalikhman Primary Care Physician / Internist Ph.D.

2 Reviews for Zhanna Kalikhman
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Dr. Kalikhman is more like an old-fashioned, pre-managed care doctor. She talks to you, and actually gets to know you as a person. She takes time to explain things and answer questions. So many docs today treat you like a 3-minute egg - time's up and you are done. She's a very caring person.

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Dr. Kalikhman is with out reservation the absolute BEST doc i've ever had. She's the best listener, NEVER makes you feel rushed or unimportant, fusses at you when you honestly need it, but is also very compassionate and supportive -- a highly unusual combination in this day and age. In short, I love her and think she's the BEST - she also really KNOWS her stuff and never forgets anything about me - and that's the TRUTH. She is my friend as well as my Doctor & I feel she really cares about her patients - we're NOT just numbers to her.

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