Steven Bennett

Primary Care Physician / Internist
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Steven Bennett Primary Care Physician / Internist PhD

1 Review for Steven Bennett
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Dr. Bennett truly cares about his patients. While many doctors will simply prescribe drugs to alleviate symptoms of problems, Dr. Bennett actually tries to fis the problem itself. He knows all of his patients by name/face and is a very wonderful man, who cares how his patients are EMOTIONALLY as well as physically. He is truly a HEALER, in my opinion. When I expressed my desire to have WLS, Dr. Bennett made it very clear that he would prefer to see me lose the weight non-surgically, however; when we tried and it became clear that I am unable to do so, he has been more than supportive in helping me to get to this point. While I would not call him "WLS friendly", I would like to point out that he truly manages the care of his patients based on the individual, rather than "normal guidelines". He is the kind of doctor that calls his patients personally to give test results, rather than having a nurse or other disinterested party do it.

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