Dr. Gobi Balaji

Primary Care Physician / Internist
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 1 ratings

Dr. Gobi Balaji Primary Care Physician / Internist M.D.

1 Review for Dr. Gobi Balaji
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I think Dr. Balaji (Ba-La-Ge) is an excellent Internist. He expresses concern for the entire body mechanics and how it functions. I do believe he is very detail oriented and doesn't hesitate to refer me to a specialist when the need arises.

He has a great respect for the medical field and how his knowledge and experience can help me as one of his patients. He is known as a "Doctors' Doctor" that is probably one of the greatest compliments a Doctor can receive from his peers.

I called Dr. Balaji's office and asked if Dr. Balaji would write a referral letter for me to have Lap-RNY Surgery? Dr. Balaji's first question was who is the surgeon? I told him Dr. Jefferson Vaughan, in Jupiter. My Doctor did not know of Dr. Vaughan but promised he would work with Dr. Vaughan to help me establish a healthier life.

I had to make an appointment with Dr. Balaji to discuss what the letter should contain. He told me he knows Dr. Fusco and I made a very good choice, which relieved me and removed alot of anxiety about the surgeon I didn't really know.

I really appreciate Dr. Balaji's concern and help getting me through this process, that will correct my health issues and give me a better quality of life.

I should have known better, than to think it was going to be that easy. (smiling) Dr. Balaji scheduled me for the Sleep Apnea test with Dr. Pinto on Sept 6, 2003.

Dr. Balaji wants to make sure any and all concerns that could affect me during surgery is at a minumum. And for that I do appreciate and respect my Internist - Dr. Balaji.

I have to share this cute story with you; Dr. Balaji said with compasssion and care he wouldn't use the term Morbidly Obese. I said; WHY NOT? The fact is true. I'm 120 lbs over weight and that term will be beneficial to me when applying to my insurance company. He was concerned about offending me or hurting my feelings. Is that adorable or what? That's what I call an Excellent Doctor.

Thank you Dr. Balaji for being who you are. (Bigger Smiles)

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