Charles Malata Plastic Surgeon MD

Dr Malata (or MR. as they call the top medical consultants in the UK) was fantastic. I didnt want to be anything less than a D cup as I have always been big chested and I recognise that my feelings of feminity are closely attached to my breats(that sounded a bit strange but you get my drift). Most of my problem was excess skin and he removed all of that and reposition my nipples. He "hitched" the breast tissue to my rib cage to keep high on my torso. The procedure went smooth as silk. No left over wounds(rather common in this procedure) and within 3 weeks I was back to normal(well nearly). I am amazed at how fast the scaring has gone away. I even have feeling in one nipple with the second coming back slowly. The man is a artist. He gets a A= in my book and I will be going back to him for my arms and thighs as well!