2B Mindset Organization

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  • About Us

    She’s obese. She’s over the hundredth percentile—she’s not even on the chart!”

    ‍I was eight years old and can still remember my pediatrician telling my parents this upsetting news. Not even on the chart? What does that even mean?!

    If we met in person today, you might assume I am naturally lean with a fast metabolism. But, growing up, I was always the big kid. I used to use food as a form of comfort and consistency when a lot of things in my life were inconsistent.

    At eight years old, I was shipped off to “Fat Camp.” I lost 30 pounds in one summer, but when I came back to school, I gained it all back. I fell into a bad cycle...and then I peaked. At 13 years old I had 215 pounds on my five-foot-two-inch frame and was a size 20. I had a horrible dependency on comfort food, diets and deprivation, all at the same time—and a really negative mindset. I decided to lose the weight and keep it off for good and realized that it would only be possible if I put in the work.

    I was, and still am, what you’d call a “volume eater” — I need to feel full and satisfied. I began focusing on foods I could eat in volumes that made me feel satisfied without causing weight gain. By the end of my freshman year of high school, I not only managed to maintain my summer weight loss, but I also actually dropped even more pounds during the school year. I had discovered the formula that worked for me. It wasn’t a new diet—it was a new mindset. It involved small and simple tweaks to my food environment, nutrition selection and emotional reactions—and it made all the difference.

    My 100-pound weight loss transformation inspired me to be the most credible nutrition expert in the field so I could help others best. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition and dietetics, a registered dietitian license, and a master’s degree in nutrition and dietetics. I wanted to make sure that I was advising people on the best and healthiest way to live, backed by scientific research. My mission is to show people that a healthy lifestyle is easier and much more attainable than they think. I have a unique framework for overcoming plateaus, revving up slow-moving metabolisms, and ensuring sustainable weight loss maintenance for years to come. I love to empower people through their journey, free them from their insecurities, and take them into the next amazing chapter of their lives.

    Throughout the years I have built a reputation as a public speaker, active media personality and influencer. I created the 2B Mindset Program based on my experience, advanced education, and my hundreds of personal clients both at UCLA and in private practice. I am thankful to sit on the executive leadership team for the American Heart Association and have enjoyed lecturing for the Bruin Health Improvement Program at UCLA since 2013.

    I serve as a nutrition consultant and have the privilege of consulting for, and investing in many food, fitness, and wellness companies. I love using my expertise to lead nutrition seminars, cooking demonstrations, and my Mind and Body Reset Retreats designed to change lives.

    With my third pregnancy, I developed a program with Beachbody LLC called 2B Pregnant, to help guide women with their increased food cravings, aversions, and nutritional needs. Now with three kids, Olivia, Julian, and Gideon, I’ve been fortunate enough to share my learnings and teachings with my private clients, online communities and book readers.

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